[Biostudent] 10/17 Info Session: UW Health Informatics & Health Information Management (HIHIM)

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Oct 16 13:10:56 PDT 2023

The UW Health Informatics & Health Information Management (HIHIM) B.S. program is hosting an information session on Tuesday, October 17th from 5-6pm via Zoom. Please spread the word with interested applicants.

The HIHIM accepts students with 90 quarter credits (can be in-progress) who are passionate about health care management, delivery of quality healthcare, health data privacy, legal & compliance issues, and health information technologies.
Students in HIHIM take classes in-person two evenings a week at UW Seattle, and gain specialized skills necessary to effectively manage health information technology in health care organizations and a variety of other settings.

To see more details and register, visit the HIHIM Information Session and Events webpage: https://hspop.uw.edu/hihim/admissions/information-sessions/


Andrea Vargas (she/her)

Program Adviser & Student Services Manager
Health Informatics & Health Information Management (HIHIM) Major

School of Public Health

I Am First Gen
avarg at uw.edu<mailto:avarg at uw.edu> / hspop.uw.edu/hihim/home/<https://hspop.uw.edu/hihim/home/>
Schedule an Appointment<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/bit.ly/3nV1wEj__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mPZJwLG14sc-b9N-RrCLmRafKUqrF_z2M9Paz42_Z1dd3q94uJLYTB-cziZJqvi9MVGVfQCGSvOF6MzT4f5f$>

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M/T/W/Th/F remote, 9-5
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