[Biostudent] Mentorship Opportunity: UW FEEDBACK

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Oct 30 17:10:10 PDT 2023

I am reaching out to share a mentorship opportunity through FEEDBACK for undergraduate students who are or plan to be STEM majors (pre-med/ pre-grad included).

UW FEEDBACK focuses on providing STEM experiences to students in the rural areas of the state of Washington. We are currently seeking mentors who are on a STEM track and are interested in mentoring students ranging from 5th grade all the way to 12th grade. This is a program that focuses on providing mentorship and educational experiences for all students and our goal is to recruit mentors who share similar identities as our students (historically underrepresented within STEM and first-generation). Our deadline to apply is November 27th.

Below I have attached a flyer with a brief description of some of the mentor's responsibilities and a QR code. Here is also the link to apply: FEEDBACK Mentor Form<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/uwnetid.sharepoint.com/sites/uwfeedback/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=Ae7KEEXkTnI6jjhzhkmbXt4SZBKbNtqkmpWUrcTY1_Qb&docid=1_1fd2aff990d064b5c9fd34ecf6aec8140&wdFormId=*7BAB7319A8*2DA6DF*2D4945*2DB06E*2D44E54792B9E9*7D__;JSUlJSUl!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gc6yp8ep79cgch-kCBCYWlRglraZIo0-Rhzx0xSjpuIm_UNjN-rA8pMOSGDOGBbQzuUMB7WPoTq3$>. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our email uwfeedback at uw.edu<mailto:uwfeedback at uw.edu> or mvr25 at uw.edu<mailto:mvr25 at uw.edu>.

Thank you in advance for all your help.


Micaela Ruiz

Micaela Ruiz, she/her/hers
B.S. Physiology
Pharmacology Graduate Student
Department of Pharmacology
University of Washington
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