[Biostudent] LAST CALL for Applicants: 2023-24 Husky Experience Student Advisory Council

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Oct 31 09:22:54 PDT 2023

HESAC directs the Husky Seed Fund<http://www.washington.edu/strategicplanning/husky-seed-fund/>. Created by students for students the program brings to life innovative ideas that are inclusive, impactful and inventive. Following on the success of last year’s winners, Olivia Butkowski’s and Amanda Shi’s Huskies for Housing, Simardeep Kaur’s Youth Lead Youth and Leigh West’s SISU Mentoring Program, the council will fund new projects and will oversee 2023 winners:

* Rachel Hu’s and Eric Xiao’s Eat Together<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.eat-together.tech/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jVm80dYsfduxp6nU2o3-N0gz-e88Ub9q5K0AC3APXseRPg4Ehby8Ql4ALqQZ8_jUPhNkFoN6e2gs6BnSI7rxvg$> – Connecting students through shared meals.
* Cody Birkland’s, Arjun Simha’s and Amy Jean Swanson’s Huskies’ Precious Plastics<https://www.washington.edu/strategicplanning/husky-seed-fund/> – Transforming waste plastics into usable items.
* Tifffany-Ashton Gatsby’s and Jennifer Perkins’ Pathways for All Huskies<https://www.washington.edu/strategicplanning/husky-seed-fund/> - llluminating campus pathways everyone can navigate.

Please help us circulate this call for applications by copying the message below into a new email to share broadly with students.  You can also help us in a targeted way by bringing this opportunity to the attention of students who you believe would be particularly effective members of this council and encouraging them to apply.



Katy DeRosier (she/her)

Program Development Director

Office of the Provost & The Graduate School | University of Washington

katyd2 at uw.edu<mailto:katyd2 at uw.edu> | 206.221.1437 | Loew 312<http://uw.edu/maps/?low>


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Apply now to join the Husky Experience Student Advisory Council

Help advance the Husky Seed Fund<http://www.washington.edu/strategicplanning/husky-seed-fund/>, an award that brings to life innovative ideas by students that are inclusive, impactful, and inventive to the UW.  Gain valuable experience advancing and managing a program that will impact thousands of students at UW.

What types of student-led efforts would improve the overall Husky Experience? What would inspire students to create such a project and apply for funding?  You are the judge!

The Provost’s Office will provide the award funding, basic structure, and guidance for HESAC members to lead and advance the Husky Seed Fund.  In work groups, members will learn first-hand what makes an effective application and how dollars combined with accountability and support make ideas come to life. And you’ll gain program management, communication, teamwork, decision-making and leadership skills. The Provost’s Office staff will coach you on how to include this experience on a resume, talk about it in person and apply lessons learned and skills gained going forward. 

Apply here: https://forms.gle/YbvpjRdzYwfxoV95A<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/YbvpjRdzYwfxoV95A__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jVm80dYsfduxp6nU2o3-N0gz-e88Ub9q5K0AC3APXseRPg4Ehby8Ql4ALqQZ8_jUPhNkFoN6e2gs6Bl-ZV01gQ$>

Deadline:   November 7, 2023, at 11:59 pm

Councilmember Duties

This year the HESAC will do two things; select new projects and oversee the projects selected in 2023; Eat Together<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.eat-together.tech/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jVm80dYsfduxp6nU2o3-N0gz-e88Ub9q5K0AC3APXseRPg4Ehby8Ql4ALqQZ8_jUPhNkFoN6e2gs6BnSI7rxvg$>, Huskies’ Precious Plastics<https://www.washington.edu/strategicplanning/husky-seed-fund/>, and Pathways for All Huskies<https://www.washington.edu/strategicplanning/husky-seed-fund/>. Members will participate in both areas.

To help you gauge the time commitment to HESAC, here is a schedule of activities:

* Bi-weekly whole group meetings - Tuesdays 3:30-5:30pm, on the Seattle Campus or via Zoom (your choice)

* Autumn Quarter

* November 21

* December 5

* Winter Quarter

* January 9 & 23

* February 6 & 20

* March 5

* Spring Quarter

* March 26
* April 2 *note shift*, 16 & 30
* May 14 & 28

* As needed – small group meetings between bi-weekly meetings.
* We are not able to flex meeting times, so please double-check your schedule to ensure you can attend at these times if you are selected. If so, please place holds for these meetings on your calendar now.

Student Advisory Councilmember Terms of Service:

* Councilmembers will serve 1-year terms, with a possible 1-year reappointment.
* Council members will review and award seed funding to peers.  They will not be eligible to apply for seed funding in the year in which they serve.

Questions? Contact Katy DeRosier at katyd2 at uw.edu<mailto:katyd2 at uw.edu>

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