[Biostudent] Public Policy Courses & Minor

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Sep 19 09:27:16 PDT 2023

Space is available in the AA and AB discussion sections of PUBPOL 201 Introduction to Public Policy and Governance (5). In addition to providing an introduction to the discipline by a great instructor, this is a solid course to start exploring the public policy minor<https://evans.uw.edu/academic-programs/undergraduate-programs/undergraduate-minor/>.

Other courses we are offering in AUT include:

* PUBPOL 403: Leadership in Action (5) W cultivates practical skills required to lead within various organizational contexts including public, nonprofit, and business organizations.
* Space is also available in PUBPOL 499 Topics in Public Policy: Data Science, Economy, and Policy (5) which covers the use of data science in business, governance, agricultural and environmental economy, international economic development, and public health. Additional threads include E-commerce, social networking and social media, data science as a profession, social and economic inequality in the big data era, and ethics of data science.

Those who are interested in learning more about the public policy minor<https://evans.uw.edu/academic-programs/undergraduate-programs/undergraduate-minor/> can join us for this Dawg Daze event, Pizza, and Public Policy @ UW, on Friday, Sept 29 at 1:30 in Parrington 320. Additional event info is here<https://dawgdaze.fyp.uw.edu/autumn/public-policy-uw/> and an RSVP<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.office.com/r/r4VrWKQbmd__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!l8SDV3Z2Cpwy0ZVZomoJgAlDvOLNPzyOBcr9AKR0aG2SqU9ORuIMRAqqdYdfRKTepQdlALDkM89zwzDtMXvygw$> is helpful.

Finally, I'm taking minor advising<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/EvansSchoolPublicPolicyMinor@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/s/RXhRGPBqHEWF3zYdMJVQPw2__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lZTO0_6uKnDfrQPYW_hitPAIFOi44peDELT6n1TpC3OkcFmWk_91masN_sNeYPz5HEx3xuAvIrlW_xQ$> appointments and answering the pubpoladv at uw.edu<mailto:pubpoladv at uw.edu> email so please direct any curiosity my way.

Thanks much,


Susan Inman, MSSW (she/her)
Undergraduate Learning Manager
Evans School of Public Policy & Governance<https://evans.uw.edu/>
University of Washington
140 Parrington Hall I Box 353055 I Seattle, WA 98195

Schedule public policy minor advising!<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/EvansSchoolPublicPolicyMinor@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/s/RXhRGPBqHEWF3zYdMJVQPw2__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lZTO0_6uKnDfrQPYW_hitPAIFOi44peDELT6n1TpC3OkcFmWk_91masN_sNeYPz5HEx3xuAvIrlW_xQ$>

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