[Biostudent] Aut 2023 Nutr 400 Biodiversity of Food Systems, 1 cr Seminar

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Sep 19 15:15:45 PDT 2023

NUTR 400 Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health Seminar (1, max. 4) SSc

F 1230-120 KNE 120<https://myplan.uw.edu/course/#/courses/NUTR%20400?id=9c742906-beb7-48be-9f7b-4f4f1d37b30f&states=N4Ig7gDgziBcLADrgJYDsAmB7MAJApigOYAWALsrAJwCsATADTJjrZgAKWUKZKWalAMwA6egA4ALAEY6giXQAMAdik1BggL4gNQA>
Examines emerging issues in food systems, nutrition, and health as they relate to personal and public health. Reviews evidence in the context of food systems and health policy. Credit/no-credit only. Autumn quarter topic: Biodiversity of Food Systems<https://nutr.uw.edu/news-events/seminar/>.

This seminar will explore the biological diversity that enables sustainable food systems and healthy communities. This biodiversity, including plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms across ecosystems, is critical to clean water, fertile soils, pollination, stable climate, and nutritional and cultural diversity. This biodiversity is also at risk of extinction, largely due to food production practices that rely on monocultures of single species over large tracts of land and water. The consequences of this transformation have led to multiple negative climate and health impacts, especially for rural and marginalized communities.

Drawing on the expertise of guest speakers throughout the quarter, this seminar will dig into topics such as traditional and biodiverse food systems, soil biology, and agroecological communities that nourish humanity. Each topic will connect with food systems more broadly, as well as opportunities for reverence and reflecting on how to live in harmony with the systems that support humanity and life on Earth.
Thank you,

Lisa Nordlund
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Senior Adviser
Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health Major (FSNH)
Nutritional Sciences Program<http://nutr.uw.edu/>
University of Washington
305-B Raitt Hall | 206-543-8333
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