[Biostudent] Volunteer Event- Be the Match

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Wed Sep 20 09:55:12 PDT 2023

Subject: Volunteer Event- Be the Match


My name is Molly Scofield and I am a biology undergraduate student. I am president of an RSO called Be the Match on campus, an organization aiming to find a diverse range of people age 18-40 willing to become blood stem cell donors. UW Students in this Club partner with Be The Match to spread the word about the National Marrow Donation Program. Be The Match is a nonprofit organization that’s dedicated to helping every patient get the life-saving transplant they need. As trusted leaders in advancing treatments for those facing over 75 life-threatening blood cancers and diseases, we provide the ground-breaking research, innovative technologies, patient support, and education that saves lives.

For the thousands of people diagnosed every year with life-threatening blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma, and sickle-cell anemia, a cure exists. For the past 35 years Be The Match ®, operated by the National Marrow Donor Program ® (NMDP), has managed the most diverse marrow registry in the world. We work every day to save lives through cellular therapy.
We are planning to host a donor drive on October 17th and 18th on campus, and would love to invite UW Biology to volunteer with us and help us save lives! I have a link below to sign up to volunteer!


Please let me know if you have any questions!

Kind Regards,

Molly Scofield
Be the Match on campus- UW
Chapter President
University of Washington Biology Programs
mscofi at uw.edu<mailto:mscofi at uw.edu>

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