[Biostudent] Mentorship Opportunity for Students!

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Sep 25 09:21:41 PDT 2023

Hello! Are you a sophomore, junior, or senior interested in health equity that has been exploring the intersection of complex topics such as race, gender, environment, mental health, and more in your time at the UW? Would you like to serve as a leader to incoming students interested in following in your footsteps? If this sounds like you, please consider applying to GlobeMed’s mentorship program!

GlobeMed is a public health RSO on campus that believes that health is a human right. We strive to bring an anti-colonialist perspective to global health topics and center grassroots experts to dismantle global systems of oppression. We work closely with an international partner called MASS in Odisha, India to support their resource management, sustainable agriculture, and female empowerment initiatives. In addition, we work hard to make a difference locally by providing a space for students to publish their thoughts on pertinent issues in health justice as well as volunteer with local organizations. Our mentorship program is another way we strive to make a difference on campus, and we would love for you to be involved.

Becoming a mentor simply requires filling out a little information about yourself. Once in the role, you can expect to be paired with an incoming student and interact with them through two one-hour meetings throughout the quarter (or more if you’d like)! This is a fantastic opportunity to gain leadership skills and inspire the incoming group of changemakers joining our campus this year! The application can be found at https://forms.gle/QZq2hZbDGLtosxhG9<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/QZq2hZbDGLtosxhG9__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!itjmWJa-X0Y0eqV3IKKhW-rZcB1jyAdwDM4LkyipNDYdTybdIAv5P8tksBiEslDhQMBj9FbOQckTcCQ$> and is due Friday, October 6th at 11:59 PM.

Are you inspired by GlobeMed’s ideals and want to become a general member or a part of our executive board? Our applications for general members and executive board positions are also open and can be found at https://forms.gle/Ey5yESkZ8c9iPwvh9<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/Ey5yESkZ8c9iPwvh9__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!itjmWJa-X0Y0eqV3IKKhW-rZcB1jyAdwDM4LkyipNDYdTybdIAv5P8tksBiEslDhQMBj9FbOmwoOpjI$>. Note that executive board applications are due Sunday, October 1st at 11:59 PM while general member applications are due Friday, October 6th at 11:59 PM.

If you want to chat with our current executive board and get to know more, please feel free to join us at our Dawg Daze event on September 26th from 11 AM to 2 PM in SMI 407 or at our prospective new member meeting on September 27th from 5:30 to 6:30 PM in SMI 304!

Questions? Please contact us at uwash at globemed.org<mailto:uwash at globemed.org>! We look forward to having you join our GlobeMed family!

GlobeMed at the University of Washington
Email | UWash at globemed.org<mailto:UWash at globemed.org>
Website | https://globemedatuw.wixsite.com/home<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/globemedatuw.wixsite.com/home__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!itjmWJa-X0Y0eqV3IKKhW-rZcB1jyAdwDM4LkyipNDYdTybdIAv5P8tksBiEslDhQMBj9FbONmf06iE$>
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