[Biostudent] UPDATED VENUE + CODE: Share with Students + Event Newsletters: PNW Climate Week, Sept 24-30!

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Sep 25 09:58:45 PDT 2023

The first annual PNW Climate Week<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.pnwclimateweek.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nquiqHLNtoWcsri69Qfe2HaBAlz_cQh_J6FVxpXr_UKkO7_e0i0DQYWVMzBhTIa6yH8KlU8ryKj1zdCVOzqRGQ$> is coming soon! Join us from September 24-30 for amazing events across Seattle, Portland, and Vancouver, plus a few virtual events.

Use the coupon code for free entry to the event below on September 27 and attend the free event co-hosted by the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship<https://foster.uw.edu/centers/buerk-ctr-entrepreneurship/entrepreneurship-competitions/eic/> on the University of Washington Seattle campus on September 28; details and registration links below.

Get the full list of events and sign up on the PNW Climate Week website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.pnwclimateweek.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nquiqHLNtoWcsri69Qfe2HaBAlz_cQh_J6FVxpXr_UKkO7_e0i0DQYWVMzBhTIa6yH8KlU8ryKj1zdCVOzqRGQ$>.

Seattle Climate Startup Ecosystem
Wednesday, September 27 | 5 – 7 pm
SURF Incubator
Register: https://lu.ma/zerp1ccp<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/lu.ma/zerp1ccp__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nquiqHLNtoWcsri69Qfe2HaBAlz_cQh_J6FVxpXr_UKkO7_e0i0DQYWVMzBhTIa6yH8KlU8ryKj1zdCMZVrJcg$>
Students free entry with code: UWFREE

Come join us to learn more about the climate startup ecosystem in the City of Seattle with panelists:

Vincent - Green economy advisor at Seattle City Government. In his role, he focused on green economy strategy and supporting related opportunities in the city.
Jonathan - General partner at Snocap, where they invest in early-stage climate-related ventures.
Daphne - Founder at Ven, an early-stage EV charging startup that is part of the Madrona venture lab.

Moderated by: Vamsi - Founder of planet scale venture focused on supporting climate tech work. Outside of planet scale, Vamsi is a director of AI at Nike.

Seattle Climate Career Panel
Thursday, September 28 | 5:30 – 6:30 pm
UW Seattle Campus, Condon Hall 109<https://www.washington.edu/maps/#!/cdh>
Register: https://lu.ma/dwcdjpck<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/lu.ma/dwcdjpck__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nquiqHLNtoWcsri69Qfe2HaBAlz_cQh_J6FVxpXr_UKkO7_e0i0DQYWVMzBhTIa6yH8KlU8ryKj1zdDqwWBHDQ$>

This is a time for the climate community to come together and talk about roles, skills and trends in climate hiring.

We will have a mix of speakers:

​Mel Clark, the CEO of the Clean Tech Alliance
​Manav Goel, the Tech Lead for the Climate Team at Meta
​​moderated by Dana Reinert, a circular design and sustainability product and strategist + co founder.

​They will talk about their climate careers, the current pulse of hiring within the climate space, relevant skills and roles needed, followed by Q&A.

Lauren Brohawn | Associate Director
Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge<http://www.foster.washington.edu/centers/entrepreneurship/eic/Pages/eic.aspx>
University of Washington | Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship
brohal at uw.edu<mailto:brohal at uw.edu> | startup.uw.edu

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