[Biostudent] UW Substance Use and Addiction Virtual Research Open House 

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Sep 25 16:38:43 PDT 2023

We are happy to inform you of the Substance Use and Addiction Virtual Research Open House happening on Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 from 5:30-7p.m. PST. This virtual event is open to anyone, including high schoolers and community members, who are interested in (1) simply learning more about ongoing substance use and addiction research at the University of Washington and (2) looking to get involved with substance use and addiction research at the University of Washington. Research opportunities can be valuable for students interested in going to graduate school, medical school or other higher education. The event will consist of presentations by faculty at CSHRB, ADAI, NAPE, and HaRRT sharing their current research, as well as recruiting potential volunteers or research assistants.

Learn more about the centers on their websites:

* Center for Study of Health and Risk Behaviors (CSHRB)<https://sites.uw.edu/cshrb/>

* Seven Directions, Center for Indigenous Public Health<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.indigenousphi.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h3DfbSZoSHDUxP-AsW-_Kk73jONVwVPfd_EV4DxSl1P9pZ-QZP_GoFeGq_LWxUqztROHxxzjlBg$>

* Addictions, Drug and Alcohol Institute (ADAI)<https://adai.uw.edu/>
* Center of Excellence in Neurobiology of Addiction, Pain, and Emotion (NAPE)<http://depts.washington.edu/uwnape/>
* The Harm Reduction Research and Treatment (HaRRT)<https://depts.washington.edu/harrtlab/> Center

Anyone with a Zoom account can register for this event at this link.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/bit.ly/ADAIOpenHouse2023__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h3DfbSZoSHDUxP-AsW-_Kk73jONVwVPfd_EV4DxSl1P9pZ-QZP_GoFeGq_LWxUqztROHSSkKRIc$>


Attached to this email is our official flyer.

Thank you!

Inga Manskopf

Director, Program Operations

Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute (ADAI)
Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
University of Washington | School of Medicine
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