[Biostudent] MAPS Fall 2023 Introduction Meeting - Please share with your members

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Sep 26 09:26:36 PDT 2023


Join the Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS) at our 2023-2024 introduction meeting! The meeting will be on October 5, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm, in the HUB 238.

As an RSO, we have two main goals for our pre-health members. The first goal is to provide them with the opportunities they need to be successful premedical students and assist them in their journey for applying to medical school. We provide students with opportunities to network with healthcare professionals, fostering both productive exposure and meaningful connections in the field.

Our second goal is to provide our members with the knowledge they need to become socially conscious healthcare professionals. We do this by centering many of our meetings on the inequities of healthcare, aiming to increase awareness and advocacy. We invite medical professionals from a diverse array of backgrounds, education, and specialties to share their experiences to the next generation of healthcare workers!

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you at our first meeting!


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