[Biostudent] APPLY For Autumn 2024 Courses at Friday Harbor Laboratories!

BIOLOGY via Biostudent biostudent at u.washington.edu
Tue Apr 16 12:27:41 PDT 2024

Calling all undergrads interested in marine science! Spend Autumn 2024 taking classes on San Juan Island learning and conducting research with professionals in the marine science field.

Two programs are being offered this Autumn:

Autumn Marine Studies (AMS)<https://fhl.uw.edu/courses/course-descriptions/course/autumn-marine-studies-ams-2024/>
16 - 17 credits
FHL 450: Novel Marine Ecosystems
FHL 471: Comparative Anatomy & Physiology of Marine Organisms
FHL 470: Research in Marine Biology
FHL 490: Marine Sciences Seminar (optional)

Pelagic Ecosystem Function (PEF)<https://fhl.uw.edu/courses/course-descriptions/course/pelagic-ecosystem-function-of-the-san-juan-archipelago-2024/>
15 credits
Research apprenticeship designed for undergrads outside of University of Washington
Tuition and course fees are the same for matriculated and non-matriculated students

APPLY NOW<https://fhl.uw.edu/courses/applying-for-an-fhl-course/>

Info Sessions:
UW Seattle: Wednesday, April 17th at 10a and 3:30p FSH 207
UW Bothell: Thursday, April 18th at 12:30p

Questions can be directed to Maia Kreis at fhlstudents at uw.edu<mailto:fhlstudents at uw.edu>

We hope to see your application!

Maia Kreis (she/her/hers)
Academic Services Manager
UW Friday Harbor Laboratories
620 University Road
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

maiafhl at uw.edu<mailto:maiafhl at uw.edu>
Telephone: 206-616-0752

M - Th: 9:00 am- 4:00 pm
F: 9:00 am- 1:00 pm
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