[Biostudent] CORRECTED LINK: Paid Summer Internship Opportunities at NOAA - Apply by March 15

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Thu Feb 22 12:18:35 PST 2024

CORRECTED LINK: Paid Summer Internship Opportunities at NOAA - Apply by March 15

Apologies for the multiple emails - the original had an old link; new active link included below and on attachment.

Hello, if you are looking for a paid summer internship, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has opportunities for students to conduct research with scientists at the Marine Mammal Laboratory.

Conduct Research with Scientists at the Marine Mammal Laboratory

The Marine Mammal Laboratory (MML) of NOAA’s Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) and the University of Washington’s School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences (SAFS) request applications for student summer internships. Internships will be for about 10 weeks (during the period of June to September 2024; 40 hours per week) working on a marine mammal research project. Each internship will be supported on a stipend of $5,850, provided in partnership by the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, the Marine Biology Program, and MML/AFSC. Now in its fifth consecutive year, this popular internship program has been successful in giving undergraduate students an opportunity to be involved in active research programs focused on marine mammal ecology, behavior, and assessment. This year, MML is planning to welcome interns to in-person project settings at NOAA’s Seattle campus as well as in the field in Alaska and California. At present, plans call for the interns to participate in MML projects conducted: 1) at MML’s offices at NOAA’s Sand Point campus (just north of Magnuson Park, Seattle), or 2) through fieldwork in Alaska or California (specific plans depend on final funding availability). Successful applicants will be provided with a scientific mentor and online access to research resources associated with their projects.
The following marine mammal research projects may be available for internships during summer 2024 at the Marine Mammal Laboratory:

1. Steller sea lion remote camera imagery and food habits (two positions)
MML/AFSC mentor: Katie Luxa (katie.luxa at noaa.gov<mailto:katie.luxa at noaa.gov>) with Molly McCormley
2. Estimating aerial survey detection rates of seals on Arctic sea ice (one position)
MML/AFSC mentor: Erin Moreland (erin.moreland at noaa.gov<mailto:erin.moreland at noaa.gov>)
3. Assessment of California sea lions and northern fur seals at San Miguel Island, CA (one position)
MML/AFSC mentor: Tony Orr (tony.orr at noaa.gov<mailto:tony.orr at noaa.gov>)
SAFS values the strengths and professional experience that students, faculty, and staff bring to our community. We are committed to providing an excellent education to all of our students of every race, gender, class, nationality, physical ability, religion, age, or sexual orientation. We are proud of the different roles that our students, staff, and faculty play in the community of the School and the College of the Environment. Science is richer and the SAFS and MML/AFSC communities are more vibrant when a diverse group of people participate in research. We are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to our programs’ diversity through their life experiences, scholarship, and/or service to the institutions. People of color, women, people with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply.
Must be a currently enrolled UW undergraduate student graduating in Spring 2024 or after
Please submit the following by the deadline:

* Online Application: https://forms.gle/1644d2NCHVw1AxiAA<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/1644d2NCHVw1AxiAA__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nDbSvuRKeXovu5XysV_NOHMguznhzaNNFU8hxoq1I__a2d625CM0a7LNUzp35M1iBMIQrPRw7d6d8oJvukFisZU$>
* Application Materials - upload (using form linked above) the following materials in one pdf. Save as "LastnameFirstname_MML2024.pdf" (where Lastname and Firstname are your name):

* Recent resumé
* Unofficial UW transcript
* Letter of interest (maximum of four pages) – include the name of the project that most interests you and why; tell us about yourself and your research interests; explain how the internship will further your studies and career; include other information the selection committee should be aware of, such as what it means to you to have a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 11:59pm on March 15, 2024 – late or incomplete applications will not be considered
DECISIONS: Award notifications will be made by April 15, 20224

For more information on each research project, including required skills, please see the attached file.


Samantha Scherer (she her), Director, Student Services and DEI
UW School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences https://fish.uw.edu/students/advising/
Fishery Sciences Bldg, Suite116<https://fish.uw.edu/about/visitor-info/> (map<http://uw.edu/maps/?fsh>) | 206-543-7457
Office Hours: 9:00 - 3:00 Mon-Thurs (Monday remote only)
Schedule a Meeting: https://calendly.com/safsgrad <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/calendly.com/safsgrad__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nDbSvuRKeXovu5XysV_NOHMguznhzaNNFU8hxoq1I__a2d625CM0a7LNUzp35M1iBMIQrPRw7d6d8oJvu6IQ034$>

The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.

In support of Indigenous communities, I commit to protecting the environment; investing in tribal economies; electing officials that understand/support tribal governments, relationships, and laws; challenging and rejecting stereotypes about Indigenous people; educating myself and my family about the histories, cultures, and issues impacting Indigenous communities.

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