[Biostudent] Bamboo Building, Regenerative Agriculture & Ecosystem Restoration Opportunity

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Wed Feb 28 13:49:40 PST 2024

Subject: Bamboo Building, Regenerative Agriculture & Ecosystem Restoration Opportunity


My name is Jacob Williams and I am a junior in the POE here at UW. I applied and got the chance to be a campus representative for this organization called Regeneration Field Institute (RFI). This year I am working to create a new program at UW in collaboration with RFI. I am excited to partner with an organization focusing on regenerative land management and bamboo ecosystems and think it will be a unique learning experience for other students as well!

I am writing to share information about the Regeneration Field Institute<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.regenerationfieldinstitute.com/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kBpo3AFZYPBI3JI2eWMbUZ1KEGcAewdGmp5HVncLCuAtga2Qiw8w4ZBBSRYQL7pilWKFKj2vJHOlatw$> and their immersive education programs in Ecuador. I will be joining the Regeneration Field Institute for the Spring Break 2024 and we are looking for a few more UW students to participate in the program. Would it be possible for you to share the following information and flyer with your students? If so I would really appreciate it!

Thank you for your time!

Jacob Williams

jtw2003 at uw.edu<mailto:jtw2003 at uw.edu>

jwilliams614953 at gmail.com<mailto:jwilliams614953 at gmail.com>

Possible Subject Line: Bamboo Building, Regenerative Agriculture & Ecosystem Restoration Opportunity

The Regeneration Field Institute<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.regenerationfieldinstitute.com/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kBpo3AFZYPBI3JI2eWMbUZ1KEGcAewdGmp5HVncLCuAtga2Qiw8w4ZBBSRYQL7pilWKFKj2vJHOlatw$> is a 70 acre agroforestry and bamboo construction research and education institute. They host 200+ students per year from various universities across the US and Ecuador. The programs emphasize hands-on learning so students can expect to get lots of time in the field implementing ecosystem restoration, regenerative agriculture and bamboo construction!

Here is a video of students from a previous trip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8aTw5ZIPXo&t=4s<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8aTw5ZIPXo&t=4s__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kBpo3AFZYPBI3JI2eWMbUZ1KEGcAewdGmp5HVncLCuAtga2Qiw8w4ZBBSRYQL7pilWKFKj2v-9Su8VY$>

Additionally this is a third party website that collects program reviews from our students:


Student experience blog post:


Bamboo Building, Regenerative Agriculture & Ecosystem Restoration


Dates: June 10-19, 2024

We have an information zoom meeting hosted by our campus representatives Jacob Williams and Molly Thompson this Wednesday at 6pm!

Info Session Wednesday Feb. 28 6 pm

Meeting ID: 84404450357

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84404450357<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us02web.zoom.us/j/84404450357__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kBpo3AFZYPBI3JI2eWMbUZ1KEGcAewdGmp5HVncLCuAtga2Qiw8w4ZBBSRYQL7pilWKFKj2vBmJyqTI$>

Location: Manabi, Ecuador (specifically Chone and Bahia de Caraquez), a highly deforested and environmentally degraded region of the world

Cost: $1750 USD (plus airfare and insurance)

Program Details: This 8 days of immersive, experiential learning will cover topics related to bamboo construction, environmental design, sustainable architecture and engineering, regenerative agriculture, ecosystem restoration, wildlife conservation, biological diversity, agriculture, agroforestry, social and environmental impact and enterprises, natural resource management and more. You will learn from local field experts and be surrounded by the biodiversity and beauty of natural, native Ecuador which RFI is working to protect, regenerate, and preserve.

Other details: Flights are in/out of Guayaquil Airport (GYE), students book their own flights but we will do it as a group in April to coordinate arrivals with RFI
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