[Biostudent] Circulating a student fellowship opportunity!

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Thu Feb 29 12:53:40 PST 2024

I am reaching out on behalf of the Population Health Initiative.

We are offering two summer fellowship opportunities that may be of interest to the students you serve. Would you please help us circulate these amongst your students?

Applied Research Fellowship Program<https://www.washington.edu/populationhealth/education-and-training/applied-research-fellowship/>:

This program is open to undergraduate and graduate students!

The Fellowship Program supports multidisciplinary teams of students to work on real-world population health challenges. The project is in collaboration with Public Health Seattle King County. The team will consist of three graduate students and two undergraduates, with supervision by a faculty expert.

The project team receives training in research skills and data collection, analysis and presentation to deliver a work product that meets the external client’s needs. The team will build on the work of previous fellows to explore business changes by employee size, business type, and whether the company is publicly or privately owned. They will also examine the spatial distribution of business closures and openings across King County, placing that data in the context of other demographic characteristics. This research will enlighten stakeholders to potential impacts on business stability and diversity amongst communities in King County over time.

We are hosting an info session on March 4th from 12-1PM. Please RSVP here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdEAl0h7snOUPGmsDdqMb0_NS0dIc2lUXPoY5ex6UH3d7tkKg/viewform__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!l99EG1_jtyn4es-StvjKgnkepHDif-d72Bi0Zjj2EeFiJpZnzuvC-Z9_3Cu1VtNT0VIvTcYbVcEBro0y$>.

Social Entrepreneurship Fellowship program<https://www.washington.edu/populationhealth/2024/02/20/summer-2024-social-entrepreneurship-fellowship-applications-due-march-29/>:

This program is open for graduate students to start submitting applications! The Social Entrepreneurship Fellows allows students to explore how best to deploy social enterprise models for innovations that are developed by University of Washington researchers.

This is a 10 week program over the summer. Four fellows will be selected from across a variety of disciplines and investigate a range of projects. The projects are focused on finding innovative ways to maintain the balance between financial sustainability and social impact in addition to generating revenue. Link to fellowship details.<https://www.washington.edu/populationhealth/education-and-training/social-entrepreneurship-fellowship/>

We are hosting an info session on Thursday, March 7th from 12-1PM for students to learn more about the opportunity. RSVP to the info session here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdEAl0h7snOUPGmsDdqMb0_NS0dIc2lUXPoY5ex6UH3d7tkKg/viewform__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!l99EG1_jtyn4es-StvjKgnkepHDif-d72Bi0Zjj2EeFiJpZnzuvC-Z9_3Cu1VtNT0VIvTcYbVcEBro0y$>.

If interested, students may reach out to Arti Shah at pophlth at uw.edu<mailto:pophlth at uw.edu> for any questions. Application instructions and more information can also be found at the links provided.

We really appreciate you sending this along! Thank you!


Carolyn Gordon
she, her, hers
Student Operations Assistant
Population Health Initiative
Executive Office of the President & Provost
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98105
cgordon7 at uw.edu<mailto:cgordon7 at uw.edu> <mailto:cgordon7 at uw.edu> / uw.edu/populationhealth <http://uw.edu/populationhealth>
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