[Biostudent] SPR24 Remote Sensing in Environmental Health - new undergraduate section

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Thu Feb 29 13:32:00 PST 2024

SPR24 Remote Sensing in Environmental Health - new undergraduate section

We now have an undergraduate section of this new course for spring, please share with your students.

SPR24 Remote Sensing in Environmental Health

Undergraduate Section URDBP 498 F: https://sdb.admin.uw.edu/timeschd/UWNetID/sln.asp?QTRYR=SPR+2024&SLN=21867
Graduate Sections: URBDP 598 G / ENV H 590 A

Harness the power of satellite imagery in URBDP 498 F/ 598 G / ENVH 590 A to analyze spatial inequalities and temporal changes in environmental factors that impact human health. Apply to issues ranging from extreme climate events to the complexities of urban space and informal settlements!
Prerequisite: Basic level of GIS or coding experience
Instructor: Tzu-Hsin Karen Chen (she/they)<https://deohs.washington.edu/faculty/tzu-hsin-karen-chen>; E-mail: kthchen at uw.edu<mailto:kthchen at uw.edu>

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