[Biostudent] Study Abroad Biology - UW Rome Center Aut 2024

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Jan 2 10:23:42 PST 2024

Our Biology/Oceanography Study Abroad Program, Ecology of the Mediterranean Sea, has been approved for Autumn 2024 (last offered Autumn 2022). The program brochure is now on the UW website and accepting applications (application deadline: February 15, 2024). Students can view the brochure here<https://studyabroad.washington.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=12192> and students can also access it by going to our Upcoming Programs<http://www.washington.edu/studyabroad/now-accepting-applications-for/> page (linked from our homepage).

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