[Biostudent] War in the Middle East: JSIS Winter course and Speaker series

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Jan 2 13:59:50 PST 2024

War in the Middle East Lecture Series
A series of talks and discussions on the aftermath of Oct. 7, the war in Gaza and responses worldwide.
Moderator: Reşat Kasaba, Jackson School Professor of International Studies and Middle East expert

When: Weekly from Jan. 16 to Feb. 27, 2024 from 5:00-6:20 p.m.
Location: Architecture Hall<https://www.washington.edu/classroom/ARC> Room 147* at the University of Washington in Seattle

RSVP and more info here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/bit.ly/Winter2024Series__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gEgNhLCd6S1LRD1RPwodrc90vk4r9Wy_XCjcyA9iJTNFZPIXkofoDPgbh2e12kJDduejrpPxxpxZ$>

*Note: The Jan. 22 lecture will be held in Kane Hall Room 210

This lecture series is free and open to the public.

Sponsored by the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies and the Social Sciences Division, College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington in partnership with the Henry M. Jackson Foundation.

Questions? Email jsiscom at uw.edu<mailto:jsiscom at uw.edu>

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