[Biostudent] FW: HONORS London: Socializing Medicine

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Fri Jan 5 13:50:39 PST 2024

HONORS London: Socializing Medicine

HONORS London - Online Program Brochure<https://studyabroad.washington.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=12313&_gl=1*do0tl8*_ga*NjQxMTkxMDM3LjE2MTY0Mzk5NTg.*_ga_3T65WK0BM8*MTcwNDMxMTA4NS4yNjUuMS4xNzA0MzExNTU0LjAuMC4w*_ga_JLHM9WH4JV*MTcwNDMxMTA4Ni4yNjUuMS4xNzA0MzExNTU0LjAuMC4w&_ga=2.29676095.1070072261.1704235934-641191037.1616439958>

Program Description
This course will explore the concept of "socialized medicine" through comparison of the development, implementation, and outcomes of public hospitals in Britain's National Health Service (NHS) with what are often referred to as public "safety-net" hospitals in the United States. We will bring together threads from health-related fields such as medicine, nursing, pharmacy, health administration, and public health as well as broader fields such as history, economics, public policy, and sociology in order to answer the questions: What role do hospitals play within society and what forces shape delivery of healthcare? Based in London, this program will draw upon visits to important cultural and historical sites to probe how various topics (multiculturalism and immigration, collectivism vs. individualism, military conflict, technologic innovations, and shared civic duty) inform societal capaity towards or away from a "socialized" medical system. Additionally, through observational field study and site visits, students will observe, compare, and critique the current state of health and healthcare delivery as well as outcomes in both the UK and US with an eye towards equity and justice.

Also, a quick note that it's currently slated to award HONORS 233 credit (open to non-honors students of course) but also trying to add MED 499 as a credit option, to be confirmed.

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