[Biostudent] Aquatic Ecological Research in Alaska, Summer 2024 field course

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Fri Jan 5 16:54:42 PST 2024

Applications are now open for the UW-SAFS Aquatic Ecological Research in Alaska field course (FSH 491 - 5 credits). This course will be offered Summer Quarter 2024, tentatively July 15-Aug 15.

This course is open to upper division UW undergraduate students in the natural sciences who are excited about aquatic ecology, salmon, and field work. There are no prerequisites, but students who have completed some Biology, Ecology, and Statistics coursework will be better prepared for the experience.

The AERA class is an academically intensive, full-time research training experience where a team of students works on focused research problems guided by a group of faculty, staff, postdoctoral, and graduate student mentors. Course topics include freshwater ecosystem ecology, climate change, behavior and ecology of salmonids, fishery management, limnology, aquatic food webs, population dynamics, molecular ecology, stable isotopes/nutrient cycling, and geomorphology. Workload expectations vary from year to year, but typically students are expected to produce 1 short paper in addition to daily lectures, short assignments, and daily field research. Students may also choose specific research questions for their own exploration if time allows – many SAFS students use this opportunity to begin Capstone project research.

Students will live and work at the Alaska Salmon Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/alaskasalmonprogram.org__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kQi_r--lov1DHRWSoeGvCocssQNe46CMWyEtScmphYAdFTvbeQCR6-pM_gk3fNADfJiWGFahd4HlkWaBynM$> field stations (Aleknagik and Nerka) in Bristol Bay, AK for 4 weeks and earn 5 credits. The course is co-taught by UW faculty Tom Quinn, Daniel Schindler, and Ray Hilborn, with shorter sections taught by additional UW faculty (Gordon Holtgrieve) and NOAA scientists (George Pess and Wesley Larson).

2024 AERA course application<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/alaskasalmonprogram.org/education/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kQi_r--lov1DHRWSoeGvCocssQNe46CMWyEtScmphYAdFTvbeQCR6-pM_gk3fNADfJiWGFahd4HlzE8-w1Q$> is due February 16, 2024.

Your application packet should include a 1 page statement of interest, your unofficial transcripts, and a resume/curriculum vitae. We anticipate a highly competitive pool of applicants. Interviews will be conducted between February 26-March 8. Offers will be made by March 15. Class enrollment will be capped at 6 students.

If selected for the course, students are expected to purchase their own plane ticket to Dillingham, AK and supply their own chest waders and stream boots. Room, board, and other course materials will be provided. Check with your undergrad advisor if there are scholarship opportunities to offset travel costs.

Send complete application packets and any questions to Chris Boatright (cboat at uw.edu<mailto:cboat at uw.edu>) and Jackie Carter (jlcarter at uw.edu<mailto:jlcarter at uw.edu>).
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