BIOLOGY via Biostudent biostudent at u.washington.edu
Mon Jun 10 11:02:56 PDT 2024


Paid Cook Position available for two undergraduate students to join the Wilson Mantilla Lab's Paleontological Expedition this summer in Montana.

The Wilson Mantilla Lab is looking for two cooks with experience to join their expedition from June 25th through July 31st. The duties will include: preparing nutritious and varied nightly hot meals for field crews of 15-30, grocery shopping, keeping track of inventory in the pantry, managing receipts, running a clean kitchen, setting out cold breakfast and lunch each morning.

Cooks will have plenty of help from field crew staff who will assist in meal prep, service and washing dishes.

This position will pay $1,000 per cook.

Great opportunity to join a world class paleontology expedition with all expenses paid (travel, food and lodging), dig up dinosaurs including Triceratops, Edmontosaurus, and Pachycephalosaurus, and enjoy the beautiful Montana environment and wildlife.

Please send an email to rtnbrg at uw.edu<mailto:rtnbrg at uw.edu> and cc ddemar at uw.edu<mailto:ddemar at uw.edu> if you are interested in interviewing for the position.


The Wilson Mantilla Lab


David G. DeMar, Jr., PhD
Hell Creek Project Collections and Wilson Mantilla Lab Manager
Research Associate
Burke Museum
University of Washington
Seattle, WA


Research Associate
Department of Paleobiology
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D.C.
email: demard at si.edu<mailto:demard at si.edu>

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