[Biostudent] Drama 480 Game Design in Live Performance: open to all majors

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Fri Mar 1 11:35:53 PST 2024

Drama 480 is a class that appeals to a wide variety of students (in fact, the mix of majors contributes greatly to its success), and I wanted to let you know that there are no registration restrictions on it from now until the first day of classes, when add codes go on again. So if you had students interested in the class who could not register for it before February 26, please let them know it's now available.

Drama 480 is a highly collaborative class - students will create four works of interactive art during the quarter. The class explores the following questions:

• What makes a play a play? What makes a game a game? How are they similar and
where are they different?
• What can game design teach theater about making participatory performances?
• What might theater makers teach gamers about embodied experience?
• What are the unique opportunities of creating in the interdisciplinary space between
these two mediums? What are the “superpowers” of a hybrid artform that
supercharges the experience of “liveness”?

It really is a class like no other on campus.


ELOISE M BOYLE, PhD [she/her]
Undergraduate Advisor

UW School of Drama - temporarily in Condon Hall 306

(206) 543-4204 dramaadv at uw.edu<mailto:emboyle at uw.edu>

Advising Hours: M and F 9 - 2, T and W 11 - 4

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