[Biostudent] Spring 2024 Geography Courses

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Fri Mar 1 11:33:50 PST 2024

Please share the following courses with your students who may be looking for SSc credit. The course flyers for GEOG 208, GEOG 280, and GEOG 295 are also attached. Thank you!

GEOG 208 Geography of the World Economy: Regional Fortunes and the Rise of Global Markets (5) SSc, SLN: 14986
Examines the relationship between the globalization of economic activity and regional development. Topics include international trade, colonialism, industrial capitalism, advanced capitalism, and the globalization of labor markets.

GEOG 270 Geographies of International Development and Environment Change (5) SSc, SLN: 14993
Explores how concepts, theories, and ideologies of international development and environmental issues interrelate. Approaches development and environment through several interconnected topics: population, consumption, carbon, land, and water. Examines how these issues connect people and places around the world.

GEOG 280 Introduction to the Geography of Health and Healthcare (5) SSc, SLN: 14997
Concepts of health from a geographical viewpoint, including human-environment relations, development, geographical patterns of disease, and health systems in developed and developing countries.

GEOG 295 Special Topics - Geographies of Everyday Life (5) SSc, SLN: 15004
This class explores the spaces, places and social relations of people's everyday life. Geographical relations shape where people live, work and play; as well as the streets they regularly move along and the buildings that mark their daily paths and routines. Focusing on geographies of everyday life also provides a way to trace connections between the local and broader processes, practices and relations of power, such as government policy and economic globalization.

Please contact geogadv at uw.edu<mailto:geogadv at uw.edu> with any questions!


Geography Undergraduate Advising<https://geography.washington.edu/advising>
Emily Uematsu & Nell Gross
geogadv at uw.edu<mailto:geogadv at uw.edu>
Smith Hall 415
1911 Skagit Lane, Seattle, WA 98195-3550
Request an Advising Appointment<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/UniversityofWashingtonDepartmentofGeographyAdvising@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gAz4TyTByA0vfvY7uYr81Xv-f9SaNgHFQ-JSBui8xOW_CEhIB7ZMvoBIGJLVSRoJEBwGDBNS4648EQ$>

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