[Biostudent] PITCH YOUR IDEA and win a trip to Berlin! - FALLING WALLS LAB on May 16th

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Wed Mar 6 11:47:02 PST 2024

The UW Office of Global Affairs, in collaboration with the German Center for Innovation & Science, the German Research Foundation, and UW CoMotion, would like you to know about the Falling Walls Lab, a great opportunity for students to share their ideas and solutions for the challenges of our time.

The Falling Walls Lab is coming to Seattle on May 16th!

Which wall will your research break? Pitch your innovation in just three minutes, showcasing an idea that could positively impact science and society.

This pitch-your-idea event is open to all students. All participants will pitch their idea (3 minutes) on Thursday, May 16 at CoMotion. And the winning individual/team will receive a fully paid trip to Berlin to meet with industry leaders and innovators.

The deadline for the submission is Wednesday, May 1. For more details and application instructions go to https://falling-walls.com/lab/apply/seattle/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/falling-walls.com/lab/apply/seattle/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mbPhN-UPMRKFnlGkc2IyxcWhtWjrPSr3IMwz58rYWVBqcYWOnBNu0fRB2IiZqm1OEesDlQVn-K1phFYK_dRQRQ$> and see the attachments to this message.

[cid800916*image003.png at 01DA6B4F.7087FE40]
Falling Walls Lab Seattle<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/falling-walls.com/lab/apply/seattle/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mbPhN-UPMRKFnlGkc2IyxcWhtWjrPSr3IMwz58rYWVBqcYWOnBNu0fRB2IiZqm1OEesDlQVn-K1phFYK_dRQRQ$>
Pitch your innovative idea at Falling Walls Lab Seattle for a chance to win a trip to the global Falling Walls Lab finale in Berlin this November!


Director, UW Study Abroad

459 Schmitz Hall / Box 355815
Seattle, WA 98195-5815

Office of Global Affairs

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