[Biostudent] SPR 2024 University and Climate Justice Course JSIS 478/578 D

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Mon Mar 11 10:39:48 PDT 2024

SPR 2024 University and Climate Justice Course JSIS 478/578 D

Students and staff (feel free to forward to student lists), a course to consider if you're still looking for ideas for Spr schedules:

Course Title: The University and Climate Justice

SLN 15834 JSIS 478 G (for undergrads)

SLN 15859 JSIS 578 D (for grad students)

Spring 2024, MW 11:30AM-1:20PM

Current Section Status (uw.edu)<https://sdb.admin.uw.edu/timeschd/uwnetid/sln.asp?QTRYR=SPR+2024&SLN=15834>

Course description: What is the role of universities in upholding the injustices of an extractive fossil fuel-based economy? Is the university a climate actor? This course will begin with a grounding in studies of U.S. universities and their role in producing expertise and labor that facilitated slavery, Indigenous dispossession, environmental destruction, and imperialism. Students will then collectively investigate the role and responsibility of universities in contemporary struggles for climate justice.

Questions about the course content? Reach out to Professor "Danya Al-Saleh" <dalsaleh at uw.edu<mailto:dalsaleh at uw.edu>>
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