[Biostudent] Summer A Honors Peru Exploring Human Rights in Practice Study Abroad - application ext. to 3/15

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Mar 12 09:57:32 PDT 2024

Summer A Honors Peru Exploring Human Rights in Practice Study Abroad - application ext. to 3/15

Are you still making your summer plans? Still interested in studying abroad this summer?

The "Honors Peru (A-Term) Exploring Human Rights in Practice" program has a few spots available and is happy to review new applications! The application is open until Friday, 3/15/24. If you have any questions, please contact program director Megan McCloskey (meganmc at uw.edu<mailto:meganmc at uw.edu>).

Application link available here<https://studyabroad.washington.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=12315.>.

Satisfy 10 credits of Social Science, Diversity, and Writing while you explore the Amazon while engaged in a grassroots approach to human rights in this three-week study abroad program in Peru. Students will have the opportunity to connect with faculty and students in the Department of Law at Catolica University in Lima as well as Peace and Hope International, to learn about the current enviro/economic challenges Peruvians face and to support projects to help to advance work by partner organizations. Students will examine the role of international advocates and volunteers and potential risks associated with volun-tourism while supporting those working in the field to advance human rights - learning firsthand how projects are designed and implemented to recognize ways that marginalized groups of peoples both experience discrimination and exercise agency in asserting and defending their rights.

Brook B. Kelly
Assistant Director, UW Honors Program
Director of Strategy and Operations, UW Honors Program
Undergraduate Academic Affairs
206.221.6131 / bbkelly at uw.edu<mailto:bbkelly at uw.edu> / honors.uw.edu<http://honors.uw.edu/>
Pronouns<http://depts.washington.edu/qcenter/wordpress/education/safe-zone/>: she/they


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