[Biostudent] Please share with students: Want to gain hands-on experience working with K-12 students and earn credit?

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Mar 12 10:00:48 PDT 2024

Want to gain hands-on experience working with K-12 students and earn credit?

The Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) Center offers courses for UW students to earn academic credit while tutoring in K-12 schools and/or mentoring! If you are interested in educational equity and gaining direct-service experience working with K-12 students, then we encourage you to enroll in our courses.

Our courses are variable credit, count towards the ELS and Leadership minors, and are graded CR/NC.

It's not too late to enroll! To get started, consider registering for the below classes on MyPlan:

EDUC 260: Equity Issues in K-12 Education (1 credit)

When: Mondays, 1:00 pm-2:20 pm

Modality: In-Person

EDUC 260 is a community-engaged course designed to prepare University of Washington students for a mentoring and tutoring relationship with K-12 students at local partner schools, either in an academic tutor or a post-secondary planning capacity. The course's purpose is to strengthen student consciousness of self, of others, and community to be applied to practice. *Pre/co-requisite course for EDUC 401

EDUC 401 A/B: Practicum in Community Service Activity (1-6 credits)

When: A Section BIWEEKLY on Wednesdays, 11:30 am-12:50 pm

B Section BIWEEKLY on Wednesdays, 4:00 pm-5:20 pm

Modality: In-Person

EDUC 401 A and B are CELE community-engaged courses designed to prepare University of Washington students for an academic tutoring or mentoring relationship with K-12 students at local partner K-12 schools. Students will be matched with a volunteer site, or can choose their own site, and will volunteer on a weekly basis. Tutors will build teaching and academic support skills through coursework and in-person volunteering. EDUC 401B classes are meant for students to reflect on their direct community engagement experience. *If you are already mentoring or tutoring and would like to earn credit for those hours, you should inquire about self-placement! Credit is earned through attendance, assignments, and the completion of required service hours (to be fulfilled through tutoring at schools and professional development sessions).

*Co-registration in 260 required for all first-time 401 A/B students

You can find out more information on our website, located here<https://cele.uw.edu/students/opportunities/cele-k-12-tutor-or-mentor/>. If you have any questions about registration or curriculum, please email celecenter at uw.edu<mailto:celecenter at uw.edu>.

Thank you, and PLEASE SHARE!


Our Team at the Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) Center

Jessica Hunnicutt Batten, M.Ed. (she/her/hers)
Director, Local P12 Education Partnerships | Dream Project<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.dreamproject.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mb6Osjfw3LweE8x9fggSUEIO7j_gE5WIdJQqAFJvfgOnsQHumkST2PgqxpHbffaKNjHy0TxVKBJlDwdqRuk6Ew$>
Community Engagement & Leadership Education (CELE) Center
Undergraduate Academic Affairs
MGH 171 | Box 352803
hunnij at uw.edu<mailto:hunnij at uw.edu> | 206.685.8381
We acknowledge the people - past, present, and future - of the Dkhw'Duw'Absh, the Duwamish Tribe, the Muckleshoot Tribe, and other tribes on whose traditional lands we study and work. To find out whose Native Land you occupy, visit: https://native-land.ca/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/native-land.ca/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mb6Osjfw3LweE8x9fggSUEIO7j_gE5WIdJQqAFJvfgOnsQHumkST2PgqxpHbffaKNjHy0TxVKBJlDwc-2nfKAA$>

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