[Biostudent] PHRMCY 580 Current Trends In Pharmacy Science And Practice - 1 credit seminar for Grads and Undergrads!

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Wed Mar 20 09:20:21 PDT 2024

The School of Pharmacy has space available in our 1-credit spring seminar course: PHRMCY 580 Current Trends In Pharmacy Science And Practice (see in MyPlan<https://myplan.uw.edu/course/#/courses/PHRMCY580>).

This course is open to both graduate and undergraduate students (with instructor permission). This seminar provides great introductory exposure to the field of pharmacy, as well as the breadth of career paths within the interdisciplinary healthcare & health research career space. See below/attached for more details and please send along to students in your program that you think may be interested!

PHRMCY 580 Current Trends In Pharmacy Science And Practice
PHRMCY 580 is a 1-credit CR/NC seminar course in Spring quarter for 2nd year PharmD students but we largely focus on interdisciplinary healthcare research and research career options. Undergraduate and graduate students have participated in years past as a way to learn about alternative biomedical research career opportunities, health care professions, and analytical methods.

* Syllabus: attached!
* Instructor: Melissa Barker-Haliski, PhD, Research Associate Professor (faculty webpage<https://sop.washington.edu/people/melissa-barker-haliski/>)
* Meeting Time: Mondays, 1:30 PM – 2:20 PM
* Location: Magnuson Health Sciences Center, T-Wing, Room T-625
* SLN: 18788

Questions? Contact Dr. Barker-Haliski at mhaliski at uw.edu<mailto:mhaliski at uw.edu>

Thank you!

Marina Gano, M.Ed. (she/her)
Graduate Program & Operations Manager
The Comparative Health Outcomes, Policy, and Economics (CHOICE) Institute
School of Pharmacy, University of Washington
Magnuson Health Sciences Center, Box 357630
Suite H-375, 1959 NE Pacific St, Seattle, WA 98195
206.616.1383 | mcgano at uw.edu<mailto:mcgano at uw.edu> | https://sop.washington.edu/choice/

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