[Biostudent] Spring 2024 course on Borders, Migration, Indigeneity

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Wed Mar 27 12:55:54 PDT 2024

CHID 480E: BORDER STORIES: CALDERWOOD SEMINAR IN PUBLIC WRITING – (SSc, W) Professor Tony Lucero. Despite often contrasting wildly with the reality of borders and migrants, stories about borders are powerful forces that profoundly affect the fates of individuals, families, and communities. In this seminar, students will learn how to write and edit public-facing essays that translate ideas from films, long-form journalism, podcasts, and social science. What changes when we think of borders as different kinds of stories: stories of war, sci-fi futurism, horror, and love?


José Antonio Lucero, PhD
Chair, Comparative History of Ideas Department (CHID)
Professor of International Studies/ Comparative History of Ideas
Adjunct Professor in American Indian Studies | Geography

H. Stewart Parker Endowed Faculty Fellow

Personal Zoom Room<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/5796571692__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!ld5UqOg4OTdrWmuxhfnwJzt9WGhaDBg4scKyiUeZaaIaZk5VoAGvjBtg7WrFJaPcYuORqv5DcFGQQw4pkQNw$>

415 Thomson Hall Box 353650
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3650

My family and I live, work, and strive to be good relatives on Coast Salish lands and waters.

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