[Biostudent] WE Lead Student Board Application Now Open + Upcoming Entrepreneurship Events

BIOLOGY via Biostudent biostudent at u.washington.edu
Wed May 1 12:41:27 PDT 2024

The application for the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship's Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership program (WE Lead) Student Board for next academic year 2024-25 is now live! An overview of the Student Board and job descriptions can be found here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drive.google.com/file/d/1Z3kXFs3ZcUv94EenaJfHInpmwHU1GdrW/view?usp=sharing__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4uEtAFH_$>. Students from any major or department, undergraduate and graduate, are welcome to apply. Submit your application here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=W9229i_wGkSZoBYqxQYL0sBmCtfdo5JNixOsp4OG-BdUODFONlRWT09FTjk1QTQzMUpRUjU5V085Ty4u__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4hORQaL_$> - the deadline is 12PM on May 30th. More information, including upcoming info sessions, can be found below.

Upcoming WE Lead + Buerk Center Events

* 5/7: Team Tuesday: Creating a Company Showcase<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.startuptree.co/event/s/6Rz68F48SDFTBFr5YRDAGm/Students-*2526-Startups*253A-Team-Tuesday-Meetups-w/-Creating-a-Company-Showcase__;JSU!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4uxWYEth$> 12-1:30pm (PACCAR Hall, Hogan Terrace)
Calling all student innovators and changemakers! Grab some lunch with the Buerk Center on Tuesdays and connect with other students from disciplines across campus who are interested in being part of the solution. This week at Team Tuesday, we'll be showcasing companies from the Creating a Company class!
* 5/9: WE Lead Student Board Application Info Session<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.startuptree.co/event/s/WHqjQ9dTadG5KR9e2bX6Tr/WE-Lead-Student-Board-Application-Info-Session-*2528Virtual*2529__;JSU!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4mcfGJ1c$> 2-4pm (Virtual)
WE Lead is beginning recruitment for the 2024-25 academic year's Student Board - application opens 5/1. If you are interested in investing your time and leadership skills to support WE Lead, and help shape WE Lead's programming in the upcoming year, read the Student Board Overview and Job Descriptions<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drive.google.com/file/d/1Z3kXFs3ZcUv94EenaJfHInpmwHU1GdrW/view?usp=drive_link__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4r0qO35T$>, and join for an info session to learn more.
* 5/10: Spark Innovation Workshop: AI For Sustainable Aviation<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.startuptree.co/event/s/NCYgrRCiXXnuGhhWxdgAH4/Spark-Innovation-Workshop*253A-AI-for-Sustainable-Aviation__;JQ!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4r9HYyo2$> 9am-2:30pm (Maple Hall Great Room)
Hear about problem spaces related to sustainable aviation from corporate leaders (Microsoft, Alaska Airlines, Boeing, Port of Seattle), then participate in ideation sessions on solutions. Students will also have the chance to participate in a Pitch Challenge at the end of the workshop with the chance to win a prize for Best Pitch! Solutions include hardware, software, and AI; think inside the plane (design, optimization, materials, fuel) and outside the plane (infrastructure, supply chain, and more).
* 5/15: WE Lead Student Board Application Info Session<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.startuptree.co/event/s/amLYa37n5QdwagiXVgbcHg/WE-Lead-Student-Board-Application-Info-Session__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4jBK1fNi$> 11:30am-1:30pm (Founders Hall 490)
WE Lead is beginning recruitment for the 2024-25 academic year's Student Board - application opens 5/1. If you are interested in investing your time and leadership skills to support WE Lead, and help shape WE Lead's programming in the upcoming year, read the Student Board Overview and Job Descriptions<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drive.google.com/file/d/1Z3kXFs3ZcUv94EenaJfHInpmwHU1GdrW/view?usp=drive_link__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4r0qO35T$>, and join for an info session to learn more.
* 5/16: Innovators Making an Impact<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.startuptree.co/event/s/f6z2Cdhn5AVmpGssXXQc7q/Innovators-Making-an-Impact__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4sE29NSJ$> 10am-12pm (HUB 145)
If you're curious about how to make a difference through your work, whether in business/entrepreneurship, the public sector, non-profits, impact investing, advocacy, and more, this interactive panel will be right up your alley. Join us to hear from entrepreneurial women leaders whose work is making a difference in the world, and get inspired to do the same!

Panelists: (more to be announced!)
Ada Williams Prince | Director, Program Strategy and Investment, Pivotal Ventures
* 5/29: Final WE Lead Wednesday<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.startuptree.co/event/s/kLtQXvqWKqU56bhUHuwi3o/WE-Lead-Wednesday__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4jAEv1lW$> of the year! 12:30-1pm (Founders Hall 490)
If you've ever wanted to get more involved with WE Lead, meet others in the campus WE Lead community, or connect with others interested in entrepreneurship, this is the space for you. Hosted by the WE Lead Student Board, WE Lead Wednesdays are a monthly informal community gathering for creatives, innovators, and the entre-curious. This WE Lead Wednesday will be our final community gathering of the year and we can't wait to celebrate your wins this year, hear about your plans for the future, and answer any lingering questions you may have about applying for the Student Board for the 2024-25 academic year.
* 5/30: Application Deadline - WE Lead Student Board 2024-24 | Deadline: 12PM PST
Application opens today, 5/1 - Apply now!<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drive.google.com/file/d/1Z3kXFs3ZcUv94EenaJfHInpmwHU1GdrW/view?usp=drive_link__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4r0qO35T$> You can join an info session (May 9th, May 15th), or schedule office hours with Winona Kantamaneni if you have questions.
Other Upcoming Entrepreneurship Events:

* 5/2: Dive Into Angel Investing: A Workshop for Aspiring Women Investors<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.meetup.com/seattle-angel/events/300463100/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4vZpDlFr$> 12-2pm (Virtual, Free)
A dynamic 90-minute session to introduce women to the exciting world of angel investing, designed for a range of readiness - curious to learn more, or ready to dive in. This workshop is tailored to demystify the process and illuminate the path to becoming an empowered investor.
* 5/3: We the Women Cohort Program Launch<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.eventbrite.com/e/we-the-women-tickets-864199452827?aff=oddtdtcreator__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4tTvf4XT$> 5:30-8:30pm (Free, Donation)
Featuring 7 2nd year MBA students, the program vision is to empower women to take control of their narrative and share it with a broader audience in a TED-like talk.
* 5/8: Pitch Latino Seattle 2024<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.eventbrite.com/e/pitch-latino-seattle-2024-tickets-849009679807?aff=oddtdtcreator__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4pFnUhPb$> 5:30-8:30pm (Founders Hall, $)
An event showcasing and supporting Latinx founders, fostering connections that bridge the gap in the current innovation scene. All proceeds from ticket sales go directly to the three winners.
* 5/11: Women Entrepreneur Business Solution Competition<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/lu.ma/9lpmduje__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jtWlXyrsOCmSr6S3CzWmRc5TWeXGh7G-oNHQGsEnPogGYYL9BH33cPGudQ79U_jMsEbMlrEfINnZiFnY9Utfu8_Y4vQzfueb$> (Founders Hall, $ - Prizes Awarded)
3 female founders will pitch a current challenge they are navigating in their businesses, and student teams will have the day to craft solutions to these problems. Teams will present their solutions to judges and founders, and the winning teams will walk away with cash prizes! This is a great way to gain practical startup world problem-solving experience, and to meet/network with other entrepreneurial students. If you're a founder, it's a nice way to think about problem solving without having such a personal stake in the outcome! Students can form teams and register together, or register separately.

Featured Founders:
Melissa Hutchins, Certifi AI
Twama Nambili, Aeone
Vivian Wang, Ride2Gether
Take care,

Winona Kantamaneni, MPA (she/her)
Assistant Director, Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership
Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship
Foster School of Business, University of Washington
P: 206-221-7094 | E: wrennick at uw.edu<mailto:wrennick at uw.edu>
Founders Hall 405, Box 353200, Seattle, WA 98195
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