[Biostudent] Student Employment - Moltke LAb

BIOLOGY via Biostudent biostudent at u.washington.edu
Thu May 2 18:19:12 PDT 2024

The Moltke Lab in the UW Immunology Department studies immune responses to parasitic worms, allergens, cancer, and viral infection https://www.moltkelab.com/. The lab is seeking to hire an undergraduate student interested in pursuing a PhD in this or a related field. This will be a paid position in which the student works with a postdoctoral fellow in the lab to help with:
• Genotyping of mice
• Inventory and restocking
• Routine lab maintenance
• Assistance with on-going research projects: Immune responses to cancer; helminth-virus co-infections.
This position requires travel to the School of Medicine's South Lake Union campus. The ideal applicant would be available to work 20-30 hours during the summer and then switch to a 10-15 hours/week schedule during the school year. No previous lab experience is required, but experience with PCR and experience calculating molarity and dilutions are a plus.
Freshmen / Sophomores and individuals from groups underrepresented in the sciences are especially encouraged to apply.
The job posting can be accessed through the UW Handshake website, listing # 8917847
Any questions will need to be directed to the posting.

Biology Advising
University of Washington, BOX 355320
318 Hitchcock Hall

Zoom drop-in advising hours (10-15 min meetings):

Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting https://washington.zoom.us/j/97207369544

Advising Sessions via EMAIL, PHONE, and ZOOM. In person advising available by appointment only.

Please include your name and student number in your emails.
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