
eileen berger bergerei at gse.harvard.edu
Mon Feb 6 13:35:28 PST 2006

Dear Ron and AT colleagues,
What resources, documents,etc. would you suggest I give an IT person who
has no experience with Assistive Technology and sketchy knowledge of even
minimal access standards for web accessibility for people with
disabilities? Where would you start? There is so much out there so I want
to make sure they get it the first time around.

--On Tuesday, January 31, 2006 12:14 PM -0800 "Stewart, Ron"
<ron.stewart at oregonstate.edu> wrote:


> We'll you could knock me over with a feather, I just found out that CSUN

> intends to charge ATHEN $400 for the use of a room for our meeting unless

> we schedule a banquet dinner at a cost of around $1500. It seems that

> the rumors are true, CSUN is indeed doing things differently to the

> detriment of their long term partners.


> Ron


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Ron Stewart, Director

> Technology Access Program

> Information Services

> Oregon State University

> 109 Kidder Hall

> Corvallis, Oregon 97331

> Phone: 1.541.737.7307

> Fax: 1.541.737.2159

> E-mail: Ron.Stewart at oregonstate.edu

> WWW: http://tap.oregonstate.edu

Eileen Connell Berger
Assistant Director
Office of Student Affairs,
Access and Disability Services Administrator
Harvard University
Graduate School of Education
Larsen Hall G05
14 Appian Way,
Cambridge, Ma. 02138
phone: 617 495 5838
fax: 617 496 8024
bergerei at gse.harvard.edu


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