[Athen] ZoomText & Adobe Reader 8.1 conflict
Shawn Foster
fosters at sou.edu
Sun Aug 12 15:02:42 PDT 2007
Thanks, James! Will get this to my friends in IT... they were talking about some very convoluted processes to address this problem, so this should be good news.
>>> "Weier, James A." <JWeier at stlcc.edu> 08/10/07 8:22 PM >>>
There's 2 options you can perform to resolve the issue. I used the first option to prevent problems with plugins, but it's your choice. The first option I found on the Adobe Forums. The second option was given to me by the Ai2 technical support.
Option01: Delete the AI2Z_PDFAHOI.api plugin from the Adobe Reader plugins folder and create a new folder with the same name as the plugin to prevent the plugin from being created in the Adobe Reader plugins folder.
Option02: 1. Go to the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\reader\plug ins folder and delete the
file Ai2PdfAhoi.api
2. Start Adobe
3. Go to Edit > Preferences > General > Uncheck Use only Certified Plug ins
4. Then go to Document under categories and uncheck Show document in it's own window
5. Close Adobe
6. Re-Start Adobe and try to read a document with the AppReader. (not sure if this step is
7. Close Adobe and copy the Ai2zPdfAhoi.api file from the C:\Program Files\ZoomText 9.0\
inst folder into the C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\reader\plug ins.
8. Start Adobe
Like I said, I like the first option better than the second option because you don't need to uncheck the "Use only Certified Plugins" option. Option01 is easier too.
This does work! After doing this Adobe Reader will work flawlessly.
James A. Weier
Adaptive Tech. Specialist/Access Office
St. Louis Community College
3400 Pershall Road
Ferguson, MO. 63135
314-513-4162 (voice)
314-513-4876 (fax)
jweier at stlcc.edu
From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org on behalf of Shawn Foster
Sent: Fri 8/10/2007 4:54 PM
To: athen at athenpro.org
Subject: [Athen] ZoomText & Adobe Reader 8.1 conflict
Anyone else encountered a conflict between ZoomText and Adobe Reader 8.1? I haven't seen this come up on any of the lists so far. Because of security problems with Reader 8.0, we're needing to install 8.1.
They're each using the plugin file ai2z_pdfahoi.api, which causes an "Invalid plugin detected in Reader" message in Reader...which then crashes. This occurs when both are installed to the same machine, even when both are not in use at the same time.
We've found two potential fixes:
>From Adobe's forums: http://www.adobeforums.com/cgi-bin/webx/.3bc41b85
>From AISquared's Knowledge Base: http://www.aisquared.com/Support/KBdetail.cfm?ID=178
We tried the first one and it didn't work in our environment. Reader re-installs the plugin.
Trying out the second one - will keep you updated on progress.
We're running ZoomText 9.0, trying to run Reader 8.1, on a Windows XP in a Novell network.
If anyone has a better idea, our IT staff would DEARLY love to hear it. They came to me not for my technical expertise, but because I have access to y'all!
Thanks in advance!
Shawn Foster
Assistive Technology Specialist
Disability Services for Students
Southern Oregon University
email: fosters at sou.edu
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