[Athen] epilepsy and computer screens

Teresa LW Haven thaven at hawaii.edu
Wed Oct 10 15:55:08 PDT 2007

Hi, NJ. I agree with Dann. I'm also currently working with a student for
whom even LCD screens and/or screens with glare shields cause seizures; she
also can't watch TV, go to movies, etc., and even the flickering light when
the bus she rides passes by a group of trees will sometimes trigger seizures
for her. JAWS is the solution we are pursuing for her after brainstorming
everything else we could come up with. Of course, each person with a
seizure disability is somewhat different, but the student I'm working with
indicated that she's ok in a room with computers so long as she does not
have to attempt to focus on the screen but can divert her gaze elsewhere and
still work.

Hope this helps,

Teresa Haven
Access Technology Specialist
KOKUA Program
University of Hawai'i Manoa


From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-bounces at athenpro.org] On
Behalf Of normajean.brand
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2007 12:35 PM
To: athen at athenpro.org
Subject: [Athen] epilepsy and computer screens

Hello again,
I have a DSSO asking for help and I am now turning to you all:

Could you check to see what accommodations can be given for someone with
epilepsy, who can get seizures by using a normal computer even with a screen
filter. Perhaps someone from Crystal Vision or Kurzweil or even one of your
listserves will have some suggestions or know of equipment. Thanks.

My research included: The American Epilepsy Foundation, Epilepsy Ontario,
W3C, Section 508.gov, Scientific American, Science Daily, National Society
for Epilepsy (UK), Epilepsy Action (UK), Usability.gov, Job Accommodation
Network, and WebAIM.org . >From what I gathered from these sites is that a
high-quality LCD, flat panel monitor and coupling that with a glare screen
should not induce seizures. When I suggested this solution the student was
pretty adamant that this would not work for her. This student is not
visually-impaired and suggesting JAWS with the monitor turned off seems to
be a bit more than it should although this student is certainly welcome to
learn the program.

I wonder also about taking classes in rooms where more and more computers
are being deployed and not just for CompSci classes; and how this seizure
disorder will affect her.

Any suggestions? Thank you again for all your help.


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-- NJ Brand
NJ Brand
Houston Community College-NW
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