[Athen] [PEPNet-South] January Product of the Month
Cindy Camp & Jennie Bourgeois - PEPNet-South
cindycamp at pepnet.org
Fri Jan 28 18:29:02 PST 2011
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PEPNet Product of the Month
_January 2011_
_Check Out Our Resources!_
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It’s the start of a new semester, and your staff interpreters are preparing
for their courses. Hmm, what’s the sign for “eminent domain” or “pork barrel
legislation”? What’s most effective way of conveying idioms like “head
honcho” or “red herring” in sign language? If these are some of the
questions you have, then PEPNet has the solution for you! The PEPNet website
includes a repository of resources, including six DVDs featuring signs for
common vocabulary used in secondary and postsecondary settings.
These DVDs include:
· A Closer Look: Signs for American National Government
· A Closer Look: Signs for English Composition
· A Closer Look: Signs for Idioms
· A Closer Look: Signs for Sports
· Math Signs
· Signs of Survival: Health and Public Safety
The sign language DVDs were developed by teams of Deaf and hearing
professionals to provide a comprehensive list of terms for each subject
area. The signs included reflect well-accepted signs that were not
influenced by regional variances. These DVDs can be ordered for $5.00 from
In addition to this featured product/s, PEPNet has dozens of other resources
that may be helpful in providing services for students who are deaf or hard
of hearing. Go to the PEPNet website at _[3]www.pepnet.org,_and click on
“Resources” to use the online search tool. To find these resources, use the
search term “DVD” and select “Materials.”
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Cindy Camp & Jennie Bourgeois
PEPNet-South for Texas & Louisiana
cindy at pepnet.org / jennie at pepnet.org
PEPNet, a collaboration of four regional centers, is supported by
cooperative agreements with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of
Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, and Office of Special
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