[Athen] ATHEN – Microsoft Meeting Notes - November
Anita Mortaloni
anitase at microsoft.com
Fri Nov 10 07:20:51 PST 2017
First a short introduction, my name is Anita Mortaloni. At Microsoft I drive accessibility across the Office Product Group, which includes the productivity suite of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, SharePoint, across the five platforms (iOS, Mac, Android, Windows Desktop, Web and Universal). I am taking over from Peter Frem in driving the Microsoft-ATHEN monthly meetings.
Below are meeting notes, action items and key dates. Very much looking forward to working with this group and getting your feedback!
Anita Mortaloni
ATHEN – Microsoft Meeting Notes - November Meeting
Action Items
* @Charlie Powell<mailto:chpowell at microsoft.com> to send scenarios for Word to this group for feedback
* @June Lee<mailto:junele at microsoft.com> to send scenarios around the ribbon UX for feedback
* @Hadi Rangin<mailto:hadir at uw.edu> to reschedule next meeting from Dec 6 to Dec 13th to accommodate customer visits
* OfficeA11yATHENCollaboration group to submit feedback to Charlie & June by Nov 17th
Upcoming Key Dates
* Nov 13: Charlie Powell & June Lee to send scenarios
* Nov 27: ATHEN to send feedback to Charlie & June by this date
* Nov 27: Send requests for Dec 13 agenda (feel free to +1 the list of proposed future agenda items below)
* Dec 4: Anita to send agenda & scenarios for Dec 13 meeting
* Dec 13: Next monthly meeting
* Jan 3: January monthly meeting
Meeting Notes
* Transition in ownership from Peter Frem to Anita Mortaloni. Peter Frem will still be involved in this group, but specifically from the feature perspective of accessible authoring and shared Office components that his team owns. Thank you for all your work driving this collaboration from the Microsoft side Peter!
* Asks
* Ensure that scenarios for meeting are shared at least 1 week in advance of the meeting
* Hadi to approve requests from this group to join ATHEN mailing list
* Scenarios discussed
* Charlie presented scenarios for Word around text & navigation, text formatting, links, images, tables and lists. He would like feedback on ease of doing these scenarios, outcomes of these scenarios and issues you find. He will share scenarios for this group
* June from the Word Online team discussed proposed ribbon changes and will send out scenarios to this group. Please provide feedback on this to June.
* Other topics
* Creating PowerPoint decks. Discussion on the difficulties of this and offer to do a walkthrough of this experience with the PPT team when schedules align.
Proposed future agenda items
* Scenarios with Screen Readers
* One-field and decorative,- re-affirming that they would like it ignored by default but possibly have an option to toggle it on via the screen-reader like we thought.
* Topic of Reading Order and they expressed difficulty accessing shapes completely.
* Freeway scenarios across products like Office Online, PowerPoint, SharePoint
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