[Athen] ATHEN Membership meeting - Notes and follow-up
National Deaf Center
help at nationaldeafcenter.org
Thu Apr 30 07:45:34 PDT 2020
Greetings ATHEN Community,
Thank you for sharing the notes from the ATHEN membership meeting last
week. The National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes (NDC
<https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/>) had an opportunity to review the
notes and wanted to offer some responses to the questions/concerns related
to access for deaf students.
NDC has seen these questions and others, raised by several professionals.
We have been sharing responses to commonly asked questions weekly through
our FAQ Your Questions, Answered
<https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/covid19faqs>. Though we encourage you
to review the page for additional information, we have collected the most
relevant questions and answers to the comments posted:
Can I use the “captions” feature or auto-captions during live online
video rooms or for recorded videos?
How can I add live-stream captioning within online meetings or Learning
Management Systems (LMS) platforms, such as Canvas, Blackboard, or Zoom?
How can I create transcripts for captioning media from auto-captions?
What are some considerations when planning for an accessible, virtual
commencement for deaf participants?
How do you pin the interpreter or live-stream captioning window across
different video conferencing platforms (e.g., Zoom, WebEx, Microsoft Teams,
etc)? <https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/covid19faqs#PinInterpreter>
NDC has additional information and guidance for professionals, educators
and students impacted by COVID-19
<https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/covid-19-information>. We are
frequently adding content and encourage you to check back often for the
most updated information. Some of the resources you will find on that page
Remember Accessibility in the Rush to Online Instruction: 10 Tips for
5 Tips for Disability Service Professionals to Provide Accessibility in
Online Classes
Checklist for Teaching Deaf Students Online
While the above information provides basic content on the issues brought
up, we want to remind you that we are here for you! NDC has a team of
professionals <https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/team> that can respond to
your specific questions regarding access for deaf students. You can contact
us now at help at nationaldeafcenter.org or schedule a virtual appointment
Get Connected! Join our listserv <http://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/signup>
to discuss strategies or find out what your colleagues working with deaf
individuals are doing.
*Please see our COVID-19 webpage for updated information, resources, and
tips. <https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/covid-19-information> *
* NDC | help*
Savio Chan, Lore Kinast,
Dave Litman, & Stephanie Zito
*help at nationaldeafcenter.org <help at nationaldeafcenter.org>*
[image: https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/]
Subscribe to our newsletter <http://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/signup> and
receive updates about NDC activities.
NDC is a technical assistance and dissemination center jointly funded by
the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs
(OSEP) and the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)
#H326D160001. Disclaimer:
the contents of this email do not necessarily represent the policies of the
federal government.
On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 6:08 PM ATHEN President <athenpresident at gmail.com>
> Hello everyone,
> Thank you to the over 75 participants who attended today's ATHEN
> Membership meeting! We had a lively discussion with lots of great resources
> and "thinking outside of the box" moments.
> We have posted a copy of the notes
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M3FDXjcSpBipVvnHXiUMikOAaGfMxXrUyOXyHevPGZk/edit?usp=sharing> (thanks
> Krista!) which allows you to add information that may be missing. All
> identifying information has been removed so if there is a comment you would
> like to follow up on, contact me at athenpresident at gmail.com.
> Many asked about joining the ATHEN Listserv - Details can be found at
> https://athenpro.org/content/mailing-list
> By popular demand, we are going to hold another ATHEN meeting that will
> follow the same "listserv in realtime" format so come with your questions
> and hot topics!
> What: ATHEN Meeting
> Date: Wednesday, 5/6/20
> Time: 11:00 Pacific, Noon Mountain, 1:00 Central, 2:00 Eastern
> Location: Zoom (with Waiting Room)
> https://zoom.us/j/98373192312
> Meeting ID: 983 7319 2312
> One tap mobile
> +13462487799,,98373192312# US (Houston)
> +16699006833,,98373192312# US (San Jose)
> Dial by your location
> +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
> +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
> +1 253 215 8782 US
> +1 301 715 8592 US
> +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
> +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
> Meeting ID: 983 7319 2312
> Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aemv5a8Jvh
> Stay safe everyone and see you in a couple of weeks!
> Dawn Hunziker
> ATHEN President
> and
> Krista Greear
> ATHEN Vice President
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