[Athen] Braille embosser recommendations?

Dan Comden danc at uw.edu
Tue Jan 14 15:42:18 PST 2020

Happy new year ATHEN!

Our relatively new Juliet 120 (made by Index) is wonky and I'm not at all
happy with current technical support. Specifically, it should not choke on
its own firmware update and need an RMA to put back in working order.

Has anyone found an equivalent embosser that is working well for them?

Our needs range from a hundred or so pages per month to hundreds per day,
depending on the quarter.

I sure miss our old Juliet Pro.

-*- Dan Comden danc at uw.edu <danc at washington.edu>
Access Technology Center www.uw.edu/itconnect/accessibility/atl/
University of Washington UW Information Technology
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