[Athen] International Ally User Group – 27 April 2023

Matthew Deeprose M.Deeprose at soton.ac.uk
Tue Mar 28 07:50:17 PDT 2023

[With apologies for cross-posting]

Digital Accessibility presents a range of challenges to those of us working in Higher Education, but we are not alone!

In the 27 April meeting of the International Ally User Group starting at 07:00 PDT / 10:00 EDT / 15:00 BST / 16:00 CEST / 19:00 GST, we will learn from the experiences of colleagues working in this area in our first panel discussion.

As the "International" Ally User Group, it's important to consider the global perspective. We are lucky to be joined by panellists from six countries that span across eight time zones.

The roundtable will cover four themes:
- Alternative formats and students
- Encouraging staff to create accessible content
- Institutional policy and challenges
- Celebrating success

After one or two starting questions for each theme we will open to the audience to ask their questions and to share their own answers.

Our panellists are from around the world and their institutions are at various levels of accessibility maturity.
- Sharon Austin, Academic Technology Accessibility Specialist, University of Tampa
- Terry Greene, Senior eLearning Designer, Trent University, Canada
- James Northridge, "Inclusive UCC" Project Manager, University College Cork (UCC), Ireland
- Dr Tharindu Liyanagunawardena, Digital Accessibility Officer, University of Reading, UK
- Esin Caglayan, Ph.D., Director of Teaching and Learning Center, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
- Sarah Whittaker, Senior Manager Teaching with Technology, working in United Arab Emirates

Join our first panel discussion for an inspiring global perspective around how we can rise to the challenges and opportunities of digital accessibility!

Find sign-up and joining details on the Ally Community site: https://usergroup.ally.ac/content/perma?id=58015

Take care

Matthew Deeprose
University of Southampton

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