[Biostudent] Huskies for Neurodiversity

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue Oct 11 17:35:01 PDT 2022

Exciting news! Huskies for Neurodiversity [linktr.ee] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/linktr.ee/hfnuw__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!km5-y764wH9RK367AYK9JVDNXBgnln40LDIz1q4neuB55OB_XCNVS7jGw3Fxu2hFNTYmEp3CFEgJduY$> (https://linktr.ee/hfnuw [linktr.ee] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/linktr.ee/hfnuw__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!km5-y764wH9RK367AYK9JVDNXBgnln40LDIz1q4neuB55OB_XCNVS7jGw3Fxu2hFNTYmEp3CFEgJduY$> ) is holding our VERY FIRST general meeting of the quarter! Join us in SMI304 (Smith building) OR on Zoom [washington.zoom.us] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/6650753167__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!km5-y764wH9RK367AYK9JVDNXBgnln40LDIz1q4neuB55OB_XCNVS7jGw3Fxu2hFNTYmEp3CLKRdTqY$> (https://washington.zoom.us/j/6650753167 [washington.zoom.us] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/6650753167__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!km5-y764wH9RK367AYK9JVDNXBgnln40LDIz1q4neuB55OB_XCNVS7jGw3Fxu2hFNTYmEp3CLKRdTqY$> ) from 6-7PM WEDNESDAY, OCT 12 to meet our team leads, learn about our organization, and find out how you can join or contribute.

Learn how you can help HfN by…
-writing research articles on neurodiversity
-providing peer to peer mentorship
-supporting student efforts to improve DRS and campus accessibility
-planning socials and panels with awesome collaborators like UW LEND (https://uw-ctu.org/uw-lend/ [uw-ctu.org] <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/uw-ctu.org/uw-lend/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!km5-y764wH9RK367AYK9JVDNXBgnln40LDIz1q4neuB55OB_XCNVS7jGw3Fxu2hFNTYmEp3CojCXeF4$> ) and DO-IT (https://www.washington.edu/doit/)!

-speaking on panels on your own experience as a neurodivergent person at schools and organizations in the area

-promoting our collection of lived experience interviews to the UW community

-enjoying free snacks and learning more about us

We hope to see you there! Please feel free to email tiarast at uw.edu <mailto:tiarast at uw.edu> or DM @huskiesforneurodiversity on Instagram if you have any questions, or if you can't make it and would like notes from the session.


Tiara Schwarze-Taufiq

Huskies for Neurodiversity Lead

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