[Biostudent] CELE Center EDUC Courses for Spring 2023!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Fri Feb 10 13:33:47 PST 2023

The Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) Center is offering
opportunities for UW students to engage with local K-12 schools and earn
credit! If you are interested in educational equity and gaining
direct-service experience working with K-12 students, then we encourage you
to enroll in our courses. Our courses are variable credit, count towards the
Education and Leadership minors and are graded CR/NC. To get started,
consider registering for the below classes on MyPlan:

EDUC 260: Equity Issues in K-12 Education (1 credit)

When: Mondays, 11:30 am-12:50 pm

Modality: In-Person

EDUC 260 is a community-engaged course designed to prepare University of
Washington students for a mentoring and tutoring relationship with K-12
students at local partner schools, either in an academic tutor or a
post-secondary planning capacity. The course's purpose is to strengthen
student consciousness of self, of others, and community to be applied to
practice. *Pre/co-requisite course for EDUC 401

EDUC 401 A: Practicum in Community Service Activity - MENTORSHIP SECTION
(1-6 credits)

When: BIWEEKLY on Wednesdays, 11:30 am-12:50 pm

Modality: In-Person

EDUC 401 A is a community-engaged course designed to prepare University of
Washington students for a mentoring relationship with students at local
partner high schools in a post-secondary planning capacity. Outside our
scheduled lecture, mentors will attend events at our partner high schools to
support students and families with post-secondary planning. Mentors will
also have the opportunity to engage in professional development workshops
that will inform their mentorship practice. Credit is earned through
attendance, assignments, and the completion of required service hours (to be
fulfilled through mentorship at high schools and professional development

*Co-registration in 260 required for all first-time 401 A mentors

EDUC 401 B: Practicum in Community Service Activity - TUTOR SECTION (1-6

When: BIWEEKLY on Wednesdays, 4:00 pm-5:20 pm

Modality: In-Person

EDUC 401B is a CELE community-engaged course designed to prepare University
of Washington students for an academic tutoring relationship with K-12
students at local partner K-12 schools through this course. Tutors will
build teaching and academic support skills through in-person volunteer
tutoring K-12 schools. EDUC 401B classes are meant for tutors to reflect on
their direct community engagement experience via tutoring sessions at local
partner schools. Credit is earned through attendance, assignments, and the
completion of required service hours (to be fulfilled through tutoring at
schools and professional development sessions). *Co-registration in 260
required for all first-time 401 B tutors.

You can find out more information on our website, located
here. If you have any questions about enrollment or curriculum, please email
celecenter at uw.edu <mailto:celecenter at uw.edu> .

Thank you, and PLEASE SHARE!


Our Team at Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) K-12
Mentorship and Tutoring Program

Community Engagement and Leadership Education (CELE) Center

171 Mary Gates Hall, Box 352803, Seattle, WA 98195-2800

509-851-0292 / celecenter at uw.edu <mailto:celecenter at uw.edu> /
<http://cele.uw.edu> cele.uw.edu

The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this
land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands
within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.

We acknowledge the people - past, present, and future - of the
Dkhw'Duw'Absh, the Duwamish Tribe, the Muckleshoot Tribe, and other tribes
on whose traditional lands we study and work.

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