[Biostudent] Scholarship newsletter: Winter quarter 2023 #2

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Thu Jan 19 11:00:13 PST 2023

Scholarship newsletter: Winter quarter 2023 #2

Hello students and alumni,

We hope your resolutions and Winter quarter are progressing well ;)

As you settle in, we wanted to remind you that there are various
scholarships and summer opportunities with February deadlines.

Read below and let us know how we can help support you!

Mis/disinformation in Elections (Lecture Series): Common Power Future
is hosting a three-part mis/disinformation lecture series for students this
coming February. This is a great opportunity for students who are interested
in or studying politics, law, media and/or mass communications. Registration
is now OPEN via https://tinyurl.com/nomoredisinfo

The Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium will take place on Friday,
May 19, 2023.

Planning on presenting at the Symposium? Apply here
duate-research-symposium-draft/> by Friday, February 12th, 2023.

OMSFA WORKSHOPS (https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/events/)

Getting Started on your Scholarship Search

Learn about searching for scholarships that fit your interests and goals and
bringing your strengths into application materials. We'll also talk about
how to write for your audience and think like a funder.

In-person at MGH 171: Thursday, January 19th | 12:30 p.m.

Via Zoom: Wednesday, January 25th | 5:00 p.m.

Via Zoom: Tuesday, February 7th | 4:30 p.m.
aycrHMGJqPKTsAjlFRfWMeFVkpg_uJfxnblbzyFwLFwkvuxwvkOk$> (This session is
specifically tailored for Transfer students.)

Application Writing and Feedback Time: an interactive work session

Drop-in to work on your scholarship applications and, if you wish, get
personalized feedback on your materials. Stop by anytime and stay for as
long or short as you like.

In-person at MGH 171: Friday, January 27th | 12:30 p.m.

Via Zoom: Tuesday, January 30th | 4 p.m.
KNeFZooQmNSzJsGBLOGOHMy5t45BN0UJmDeUeWVa-ofQUoqUv6i5D$> (This session is
specifically tailored for EOP scholarship applicants.)

Gilman Scholarship Info Session

The Gilman Scholarship program offers study abroad scholarships to US
citizen undergraduates who are eligible for Pell Grants. Come and learn
about the program, the application process and how to write a strong
personal statement. For details and to access the application, visit the
Gilman Scholarship Program website,
5BN0UJmDeUeWVa-ofQUomYbGTms$> www.iie.org..

Via Zoom: Wednesday, February 1 | 4:30 p.m.

In-person at MGH 171: Thursday, February 2 | 12:30 p.m.


Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellowship is a two-year opportunity to
promote global food and nutrition security through hands-on work. Leland
y5t45BN0UJmDeUeWVa-ofQUoqYOAy3v$> gain experience working with host
organizations around the world, learn how international development works,
and ways to make the system more efficient, effective, and just. Deadline
Extended! Applications now due by 11:59 p.m. EST, Thursday, January 26,

Killam Fellowship Program
<https://jsis.washington.edu/canada/funding/killam-fellowship/> : $5,000 per
semester at one of 21 universities across Canada.

More info here
<https://jsis.washington.edu/canada/funding/killam-fellowship/> . Apply by
January 27, 2023!

Corbett Exchange Program
<https://jsis.washington.edu/canada/funding/corbett-program/> : $10,000 for
academic year, $5,000 per semester at University of British Columbia or
University of Victoria

More info here.
<https://jsis.washington.edu/canada/funding/corbett-program/> Apply by
January 31. 2023!

P$> Scholarships for Undergraduate Students: The Boren Awards fund the
intensive study of language and culture abroad by U.S. undergraduate or
graduate students. All eligible applicants have the option to either apply
for a Regional Flagship Language Initiative or select/design their own study
program. Apply by Feb. 1, 2023 at 5pm ET.

Mary Gates Leadership and Research Scholarships: $5000 awarded over two
quarters for students engaged in an ongoing leadership project or academic
research at UW. It is open to students of all years and citizenship
statuses. Apply online for either by <https://expd.uw.edu/mge/apply/>
February 1st, 2023

Astronaut Scholarship: UW undergraduates going into their junior or senior
year in a STEM major are encouraged to consider applying for the Astronaut
Scholarship, which provides $15,000. Applicants should exhibit motivation,
imagination, and exceptional performance in their majors. Commitment to an
astronaut career is not required. Apply online by
BLOGOHMy5t45BN0UJmDeUeWVa-ofQUos-nyL3x$> February 15, 2023

Tillman Scholar
ofQUonxIC1Ms$> application is open! The Pat Tillman Foundation unites and
empowers remarkable military veterans and spouses as the next generation of
private and public sector leaders committed to service beyond self. Tillman
Scholars receive an academic scholarship, a national network of peers and
mentors, and professional development opportunities. For more info attend an
Information Webinars
YdBDTbgJi$> or email (scholarships at ptf.org <mailto:scholarships at ptf.org> ).
Apply by 11:59pm PST on February 28th.

Washington State Opportunity Scholarship (WSOS): Up to $22,500 for tuition,
housing, and fees for students studying STEM or healthcare-related fields.
It is open to first- and second-year students who are Washington residents
with financial need, regardless of citizenship status. Apply online by
MGJqPKTsAjlFRfWMeFVkpg_uJfxnblbzyFwLFwkvps4KwzY$> February 28th, 2023

Va-ofQUokOFD2oK$> : The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate
Scholarship Program (UGSP) offers competitive scholarships to students from
disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical,
behavioral, and social science health-related research. Program includes
scholarship support, paid research training at the NIH during the summer AND
paid employment and training at the NIH after graduation. Application
N0UJmDeUeWVa-ofQUomQXz8AD$> Deadline: April 3, 2023


** Get prepared for summer opportunities by polishing your resume and
attending internship fairs. Learn more about what the UW Career and
Internship Center <https://careers.uw.edu/events/student/> offers!

Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP): Fully-funded six-week
summer enrichment program for first or second year students from
underrepresented backgrounds (racially/ethnically, economically or
educationally) who are interested in careers in the health professions.
Register for a Virtual Info session here
s$> and learn more! Apply online by
February 5th 2023.

Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program: Six-week
fully-funded academic summer program at Howard University in D.C. for
students interested in exploring a career in international affairs. Apply
online by
TsAjlFRfWMeFVkpg_uJfxnblbzyFwLFwkv2_WwT_Q$> February 7th 2023

Fulbright UK Summer: FREE 3-4 week academic summer programs in the UK.
Choose to live and study in Wales, Glasgow, Belfast, Bristol, Cornwall or
London, each with a different thematic focus. Apply online by
lFRfWMeFVkpg_uJfxnblbzyFwLFwkvKDImqrc$> February 7th 2023

Humanity in Action: Fully-funded four-week immersive international summer
program for students interested in exploring democracy, human rights and
social justice. Travel to Amsterdam, Berlin, Warsaw or Copenhagen, or have a
hybrid Washington, DC experience, and then complete a year-long Action
Project at home. Apply online by
ywZQ1m8BhdKi2$> February 14th 2023.

The LAGRANT Foundation 2023 Scholarship Program: Each year, The LAGRANT
Foundation provides scholarships to undergraduate and graduate ethnic
minority students who are attending accredited institutions and are pursuing
careers in the fields of advertising, marketing or public relations. The
2023 Undergraduate Scholarship Application must be submitted no later than
5:00 p.m. PST on Tuesday, February 28, 2023.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates: Summer research programs are
full-time immersive research experiences where selected students are matched
with a mentor to join their research team and work on a project for a fixed
term (often 9-10 weeks). Students receive stipends and sometimes assistance
with housing and travel.

Application deadlines between January 31st and February 15th 2023 (vary by

Search for summer NSF-funded research opportunities for undergraduates here
blbzyFwLFwkviY7MIos$> , and UW summer research opportunities for
undergraduates here

> .

** Interested in other scholarships and opportunities? OMSFA is here to help
you find and apply for the scholarships that fit your skills and

Search our <https://new.expo.uw.edu/expo/scholarships> database and set up
an <https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/applying/scholarship-advising/>
advising appointment today.

Best wishes, Robin, Chetana, Fariha and Alex

Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards (OMSFA)

scholarq at uw.edu <mailto:scholarq at uw.edu>

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