[Biostudent] Two online introduction to business courses for non-business majors (sustainability related Summer Quarter courses)

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Wed Mar 22 15:17:31 PDT 2023

Please share with your students this info about two Summer Quarter
introduction to business courses for non-business majors. ESRM 320 and ESRM
321 contain sustainability content, have no prerequisites, are online
courses, are five credits, and give NSc and SSc credit (formerly called NW
and I&S). Attached are two course flyers, each with QR codes for convenient

ESRM 320: Marketing and Management From a Sustainability Perspective (SLN
11410, Term A)

The course website is at <https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1643546%20>
https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1643546 and the syllabus at
https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1643546/assignments/syllabus). ESRM 320
explores two of the four primary business foundations: marketing and
management. Learning objectives include:

* Explain marketing, management, corporate social responsibility, and
* Describe how markets are segmented, targeted, and products
positioned to satisfy consumers' needs and wants.
* Compare techniques for creating value-added products; valuing
environmental and social externalities and managing traditional pricing;
developing distribution strategies and "greening" the supply chain; and
creating and implementing promotion campaigns.
* Define managerial and leadership styles and theories of motivation.
* Summarize the human resource process of recruiting, interviewing,
hiring, training, motivating, and evaluating employees.

ESRM 321: Finance and Accounting From a Sustainability Perspective (SLN
11411, Term B)

The course website is at <https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1643549>
https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1643549 and the syllabus at
https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1643549/assignments/syllabus). ESRM 321
explores two of the four primary business foundations: finance and
accounting. Learning objectives include:

* Explain finance, accounting, corporate social responsibility, and
* Summarize what money is, counterfeiting deterrence, and financial
* Explain the functions of the U.S. Federal Reserve System and its
monetary policy tools.
* Describe stock markets, investing strategies, and socially
responsible investing.
* Analyze financial statements (e.g., balance sheets, income
statements) and define corporate financial management.

A student can take one or both of these courses from a remote location (NO
in person attendance is required ever). Both courses are structured
similarly and use the same required textbook.

Thanks for your consideration, and feel free to email me questions.

Associate Professor Emeritus Dorothy Paun, PhD, MBA

University of Washington

Campus Box 352100

Seattle, WA 98195

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