[Biostudent] CBE Aspire Program Summer 2023 - Apply by 5/22!

biolprog at uw.edu biolprog at uw.edu
Tue May 2 10:32:09 PDT 2023

Apply today for the College of Built Environments' Aspire Program for summer 2023!

<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeX9mKSfdAwQfgMgwX-_h6rii-du_EVoVjVzvop6gJDeg0wNA/viewform?usp=sf_link__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!iCzpdHxnRl5UOhnT3wmArJ8_4IbxmoZ2UJYXPsF2eRKGDIWI2E1eDaVY7Gw6uMCVLimpdqMZYLxxqRQ4$> APPLY HERE

What is Aspire?
The College of Built Environments' Aspire Program focuses on housing and the role of home and homeownership in promoting a thriving, equitable community. Participating students divide their time between classroom lectures and activities with faculty, and field-based tours, mentoring, and hands-on experiences with professionals at Windermere Real Estate and other companies working in the built environments. The Aspire Program will introduce students to a range of career opportunities in the built environment and real estate professions; foster their leadership, technical, and financial skills; and empower them to bring a critical, equity-based lens to their work.

Program Details:

* Duration: June 27 – August 17, 2023

* Meeting Times: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9AM-4PM

* Financial Benefit: Participants will be awarded a $3,000 summer stipend

* Cohort Size: 10-12 students


* Must be a rising junior or senior at UW, including incoming transfer students

* Students from historically underrepresented or marginalized groups, and/or those with lived experiences of housing insecurity, are especially encouraged to apply

* Students with a demonstrated academic interest in the built environments are preferred

The deadline to apply is May 22, 2023 at 11:59PM.

Learn more on our website <https://be.uw.edu/students/aspire-program/> . For questions, contact Associate Dean for Students Christopher Campbell at ccamp1 at uw.edu <mailto:ccamp1 at uw.edu> .


MEGAN HERZOG (she/her)

Director of Student Services, College of Built Environments
Academic Advisor, Community, Environment & Planning

Gould Hall, Box 355740



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