[Biostudent] Intro to Mental Health Interventions: B HLTH 497 (100% asynchronous online)

BIOLOGY bioladv at uw.edu
Tue Mar 19 12:01:49 PDT 2024

Feel free to share this opportunity with your students, particularly if they are looking for a 100% asynchronous online course. No pre-requisites and open to all majors from all campuses.

B HLTH 497 - Selected Topics in Health; SLN: 21883<https://sdb.admin.uw.edu/timeschd/uwnetid/sln.asp?QTRYR=SPR+2024&SLN=21883>; Dr. Hoa Appel<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.uwb.edu/nhs/people/faculty/happel__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h07hCjN0oSoupUHwIZ9VOVg4hNa8gezpfu3luAQFKk3_JlvWAdJ2i_RfmHBZ_5YMPs0dKFfsOyUXp2oN_sis0BK8$>

Introduction to Mental Health Interventions
This course will introduce students to integrated mental health care that includes primary care, with a focus on clinical interventions. Students will explore the concepts of health equity, cultural responsiveness, and trauma informed care to understand the nature of healthcare delivery. Skills affiliated with patient engagement, team-based practice and care management will be covered, with emphasis on evidence-based mental health interventions using a psychosocial framework.

Clay Schwenn
Director of Academic Services
School of Nursing & Health Studies | UW Bothell | UW1-211
Front Desk: 425.352.5376 | Direct: 425.352.3238 | website: www.uwb.edu/nhs<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.uwb.edu/nhs__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!h07hCjN0oSoupUHwIZ9VOVg4hNa8gezpfu3luAQFKk3_JlvWAdJ2i_RfmHBZ_5YMPs0dKFfsOyUXp2oN_matektM$>

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