[Athen] FW: Introduction to Ginger Software's Automatic Text
Correction Software
Teresa Haven
thaven at hawaii.edu
Mon Jul 7 13:00:54 PDT 2008
Many thanks for this report, E.A.; very helpful, and points out some negatives (such as the requirement that a user be online) that were not clear from their website or email. Will keep an eye on this company but it doesn't sound like it's a solution to immediately pursue...
----- Original Message -----
From: "E.A. Draffan" <ea at emptech.info>
Date: Friday, July 4, 2008 11:27 am
Subject: Re: [Athen] FW: Introduction to Ginger Software's Automatic Text Correction Software
To: 'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network' <athen at athenpro.org>
> Carmel Palti and Mrs. Yael Karov presented their on-line error
> checker to
> the British Dyslexia Association New Technologies Group last
> week. Key
> features of the software are:
> 1. Automatic correction of most error types, including: unusual
> spelling, misused words (real-word errors), extra word insertion
> or word
> omission, grammar mistakes (verb inflection, wrong preposition/article
> usage, plural/single, etc.).
> 2. Correction is done based on the error context, and it is automatic
> in most cases. In the remaining cases the system suggests few
> alternatives,combined with voice, definitions, and sample
> sentences.
> 3. Corrections are made while the user is writing a document in
> Microsoft Word. Corrections while writing in web applications,
> such as
> gmail, chats, and forums are planned as a second stage.
> 4. Reports and statistics are supplied to the users and their
> teacher/trainer, describing the most common mistakes, and
> progress over
> time.
> 5. The system learns the user's writing patterns, and improves over
> time.
> At the moment it does not correct grammar, punctuation or help with
> vocabulary. These features are meant to be coming on line
> in 2009. The
> developers do not wish it to be known as a spell checker, but
> when it saves
> errors to its database, it is only saving individual words and
> not their
> context.
> There are concerns about the data it collects as you will need
> to supply
> age, area you live in and a few other things to help it learn which
> corrections need to be provided - say homophones for USA rather
> than UK. The
> developers went out of their way to say the only data stored on their
> servers would be the spelling errors so it can go on improving
> correctionrates. I think this needs to be checked out a
> bit more.
> The layout is good and the idea seems clever if you always work
> on-line -
> the problem is that for some students this may not always be the
> case. So I
> am not sure what they use when they are off-line - maybe they
> will develop a
> freestanding model or pen drive.
> Licensing costs could be an issue - payment by year or whatever -
> possible
> GBPs follow -apologies.
> Cost -subscription per annum Home user £100 to £160. Schools license
> dependent on PC's and users £50 to £2500
> In UK I reckon we would be seeking corrections levels of above
> 80% to make
> it better than spell checkers already on the market. The
> developers seemed
> to think this was possible over time with the built in learning
> systems.
> Best wishes E.A.
> Mrs E.A. Draffan
> Learning Societies Lab,
> ECS, University of Southampton,
> Tel +44 (0)23 8059 7246
> http://www.lexdis.ecs.soton.ac.uk
> http://www.emptech.info
> -----Original Message-----
> From: athen-bounces at athenpro.org [mailto:athen-
> bounces at athenpro.org] On
> Behalf Of Teresa LW Haven
> Sent: 04 July 2008 02:09
> To: 'Access Technologists in Higher Education Network'
> Subject: [Athen] FW: Introduction to Ginger Software's Automatic Text
> Correction Software
> Hello, folks. I'm sure many of you received this same
> email from Ginger
> Software regarding their new correction software. If
> anyone who attends the
> AHEAD conference also checks out this vendor, would you please
> share your
> impressions/observations with me upon your return? On the
> one hand, it
> sounds to me like a tool that would help a number of students
> that I work
> with; on the other hand, it sounds almost too good to be true,
> especiallyfor use by college and grad-school students.
> Your feedback would therefore
> be greatly appreciated, since I am unable to attend the
> conference myself.
> Thanks in advance, and wishing folks a happy holiday (in the US, at
> least) weekend, and safe travels.
> Teresa
> +++++++++++++++++++++++
> Teresa Haven, Ph.D.
> Access Technology Specialist
> KOKUA Program
> University of Hawai'i Manoa
> +++++++++++++++++++++++
> ________________________________
> From: Miki Feldman-Simon [mailto:mikif at gingersoftware.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 8:20 AM
> To: thaven at hawaii.edu
> Subject: Introduction to Ginger Software's Automatic Text Correction
> Software
> Dear Teresa,
> Ginger software has developed revolutionary software which uses
> contextto automatically correct text.
> Ginger's breakthrough technology can automatically correct whole
> sentences and most writing mistakes including, unusual spelling
> mistakes, misused words, grammar errors and vocabulary. Our software
> will enable students with language difficulties such as dyslexia to
> fulfill their true potential in school, at home and in the work
> environment by finally being able to write texts independently.
> Today's writing tools (MS Word and others) offer a poor service
> to this
> community, struggling with writing, providing automatic
> correction of <
> 20% of their writing mistakes. These are some examples of the results
> you could achieve by using Ginger in comparison to MS Word.
> Student: I lick two pla artseid sed tom.
> Ginger: I like to play outside said Tom.
> MS-
> Word: I lick two pal arsenide seed tom.
> Student: This is much wares than the other one
> Ginger: This is much worse than the other one
> MS-
> Word: This is many wares than the other one
> Student: becals thay ea so fut.
> Ginger: Because they are so fat.
> MS-
> Word: becalms they ea so fut.
> Student: My idle holiday wood bee on a Geak Iland were
> the sea was clear blue and fild whith moultey coulerd fish and
> the sun
> givs just anuf heat so it isnt cold but it isnt scorching hot
> Ginger: My ideal holiday would be on a Greek Island
> where the sea was clear blue and filled with multi colored fish
> and the
> sun gives just enough heat so it isn't cold but it isn't
> scorching hot
> MS-
> Word: My idle holiday wood bee on a Geake Inland were the
> sea was clear blue and field with molten cooler fish and the sun gives
> just annul heat so it isnt cold but it isnt scorching hot
> Student: I live ner scul. I lik nater
> Ginger: I live near schools. I like nature
> MS-
> Word: I live nerd scull. I like natter
> Ginger's revolutionary solution will automatically correct 95%
> of the
> mistakes people with learning difficulties make, providing this
> community with a life changing experience.
> Ginger also offers a set of complementary tools that enable educators,
> and parents to analyze and track students' progress. The system
> providesdetailed reports and analysis of most frequent mistakes
> at student /
> class / school / district level.
> We also have very valuable data to share with the research
> community -
> the first large database of dyslexic people's writing mistakes, tagged
> with user's age and the mistakes' source (analysis of
> common factors
> and properties of the mistakes).
> We will be exhibiting at the AHEAD conference and would like to
> set up a
> time to meet there if you are available.
> Looking forward to your reply,
> Miki
> --
> Miki (Michal) Feldman-Simon
> VP US Operations
> Ginger Software
> Cell: 1 617 230 6600
> MikiF at gingersoftware.com
> www.gingersoftware.com
> Ginger Software is dedicated to enabling people with learning
> difficulties to dramatically improve their written communication.
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com
> Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.4.5/1535 - Release Date:
> 04/07/200817:03
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