[Athen] Screen Reader/Browser Combination

travis at travisroth.com travis at travisroth.com
Thu Jul 19 06:47:46 PDT 2018

While I am not in a position to know what students use, Chrome is certainly supported by JAWS and NVDA and is used by many users at large.

Internet Explorer can still be used but seems to be for more specialized cases now such as older enterprise applications. For general web browsing, it just has gotten to old. And Microsoft is not updating it. If you’re developing a new web application, Internet Explorer plus screen reader testing would not be at the top of my list.

(Edge support by screen readers is improving but it is not ready for prime time either.)


From: athen-list <athen-list-bounces at mailman12.u.washington.edu> On Behalf Of Castiglione, Deb A
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2018 8:31 AM
To: Access Technology Higher Education Network <athen-list at u.washington.edu>
Subject: [Athen] Screen Reader/Browser Combination

I’ve asked previously about a screen reader/browser combination matrix, which does not appear to exist. It has been suggested that testing be performed on the current and prior version of JAWS and Internet Explorer, NVDA and Firefox, and VoiceOver on iOS. I’m also familiar with the WebAIM survey and results.

I was curious, however, what the most popular combination is for students in higher education. And, are HE students using Chrome? Any input you can provide is greatly appreciated.



What is “essential for some” is almost always “good for all” (Meyer, Rose, and Gordon, 2014).

Deb Castiglione, EdD, ATP

Director, Universal Design & Accessible Technologies

Learning Center of Excellence


5191 Natorp Boulevard, Mason, OH 45040

513-229-1654 / 513-309-6262

deb.castiglione at cengage.com <mailto:deb.castiglione at cengage.com>

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