December 2008 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Dec 1 06:10:18 PDT 2008
Ending: Wed Dec 31 13:45:23 PDT 2008
Messages: 85
- [Athen] Question about the Telex Scholar Plus
Kelmer, Susan M.
- [Athen] Telex Scholar Plus issue solved
Kelmer, Susan M.
- [Athen] Some people go way out of their way...
Kelmer, Susan M.
- [Athen] Some people go way out of their way...
Robert Beach
- [Athen] Some people go way out of their way...
Phillip A. Goodman
- [Athen] Question about the Telex Scholar Plus
Dann Berkowitz
- [Athen] Webcast: Implementing the Digital Accessibility Agenda of
the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 12/3/08,
Kevin Price
- [Athen] NEW: Vibuntu (linux)
Kevin Price
- [Athen] iPhone accessible to visually impaired users? Maybe...
Sean J Keegan
- [Athen] iPhone accessible to visually impaired users? Maybe...
Shelley Haven
- [Athen] Some people go way out of their way...
Gaeir Dietrich
- [Athen] A Logic Named Joe
Dann Berkowitz
- [Athen] Accessibility in Windows 7:
pratikp1 at
- [Athen] FW: Big issue with Adobe inaccessibility
E.A. Draffan
- [Athen] Any Listings of Free Assistive Technologies?
Spofford, Tim
- [Athen] Any Listings of Free Assistive Technologies?
Dann Berkowitz
- [Athen] Any Listings of Free Assistive Technologies?
nettiet at
- [Athen] Any Listings of Free Assistive Technologies?
E.A. Draffan
- [Athen] Any Listings of Free Assistive Technologies?
Balen, Tim
- [Athen] Any Listings of Free Assistive Technologies?
nettiet at
- [Athen] Evaluation Standards
Ron Stewart
- [Athen] DOJ proposed changes to disability regulations
Sheila Kieran-Greenbush
- [Athen] Stats and screen readers
Ron Stewart
- [Athen] Stats and screen readers
Sheila Kieran-Greenbush
- [Athen] DOJ proposed changes to disability regulations
Maureen Bourbeau
- [Athen] Stats and screen readers
Ron Stewart
- [Athen] Stats and screen readers
gdausch at
- [Athen] Stats and screen readers
Karlen Communications
- [Athen] Stats and screen readers
Ron Stewart
- [Athen] Evaluation Standards
Buchmiller, Peggy
- [Athen] Stats and screen readers
Karlen Communications
- [Athen] Stats and screen readers
Patrick Burke
- [Athen] Any Listings of Free Assistive Technologies?
Terrill Thompson
- [Athen] A Logic Named Joe
Burke, Dan (DSS)
- [Athen] Stats and screen readers
Schwarte, David M.
- [Athen] HDTV and Captions
Gerry Nies
- [Athen] HDTV and Captions
Karlen Communications
- [Athen] HDTV and Captions
Sean J Keegan
- [Athen] HDTV and Captions
Kerri Hicks
- [Athen] DOJ proposed changes to disability regulations
Laurie Vasquez
- [Athen] Firefox <plus> Jaws
Dann Berkowitz
- [Athen] WCAG 2.0 is official
Terrill Thompson
- [Athen] W3C Web Standard Defines Accessibility for Next Generation
E.A. Draffan
- [Athen] Fwd: off topic -- slip out the back jack
Heidi Scher
- [Athen] ATHEN Officer Elections
Dan Comden
- [Athen] ATHEN Officer Elections
Gaeir Dietrich
- [Athen] ATHEN Officer Elections
Gaeir Dietrich
- [Athen] ATHEN Officer Elections
Robert Beach
- [Athen] Fwd: off topic -- slip out the back jack
nettiet at
- [Athen] ATHEN Officer Elections
Ogami, Sam
- [Athen] Presenters for ATIA
Sean Keegan
- [Athen] Dragon Preferred - Outlook and PowerPoint
Dawn Hunziker
- [Athen] Dragon Preferred - Outlook and PowerPoint
nettiet at
- [Athen] Dragon Preferred - Outlook and PowerPoint
E.A. Draffan
- [Athen] Dues
Tom Whalen
- [Athen] Dues
Dann Berkowitz
- [Athen] Victor Reader Soft Mac question
Maureen Bourbeau
- [Athen] Presenters for ATIA
Jon Gunderson
- [Athen] PeopleSoft, accessibility/mobility?
- [Athen] Victor Reader Soft Mac question
Shelley Haven
- [Athen] College Algebra
Tom Whalen
- [Athen] Tax Cut and Jaws
Henley, Elizabeth
- [Athen] FW: [WebAIM] Screen reader survey
Pratik Patel
- [Athen] FW: [WebAIM] Screen reader survey
Ed. Rosenthal
- [Athen] 2009 Executive Council Nominations
Dan Comden
- [Athen] Plextalk Pocket
Marks, Jim
- [Athen] 2009 Executive Council Nominations
Dann Berkowitz
- [Athen] Canon DR-4010C?
Robertson-Gann, Amy H.
- [Athen] BBC videos on web accessibility
E.A. Draffan
- [Athen] Captioning guidelines
Kathy Cahill
- [Athen] WCAG theme song
Saroj Primlani
- [Athen] Captioning guidelines
Ron Stewart
- [Athen] WCAG theme song
nettiet at
- [Athen] WCAG theme song
Christopher Doucet
- [Athen] RFBD Audio Access MP3 Compatibility
Maureen Bourbeau
- [Athen] RFBD Audio Access MP3 Compatibility
Todd Schwanke
- [Athen] RFBD Audio Access MP3 Compatibility
Melinda J Pethel
- [Athen] WCAG theme song
E.A. Draffan
- [Athen] WCAG theme song
Glenda Watson Hyatt - Soaring Eagle Communications
- [Athen] WCAG theme song
Dan Comden
- [Athen] WCAG theme song
Glenda Watson Hyatt - Soaring Eagle Communications
- [Athen] WCAG theme song
Glenda Watson Hyatt - Soaring Eagle Communications
- [Athen] digest
monty cassellius
- [Athen] PeopleSoft, accessibility/mobility?
Terrill Thompson
- [Athen] PeopleSoft, accessibility/mobility?
Wink Harner
Last message date:
Wed Dec 31 13:45:23 PDT 2008
Archived on: Mon Jan 13 11:32:08 PDT 2025
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).