October 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Oct 1 14:04:21 PDT 2015
Ending: Fri Oct 30 10:22:43 PDT 2015
Messages: 119
- [Athen] for all you math accessibility guru's
James A.
- [Athen] Experience or comparison of accessible copier models
and features?
David Andrews
- [Athen] PDF alt Text in browser
Robert Beach
- [Athen] Powerpoint Question
Robert Beach
- [Athen] the math accessibility guru's have spoken
Lisa Brandt
- [Athen] Digital Education Compliance position - Purdue University
Brusnighan, Dean A.
- [Athen] Full-time Faculty Position Santa Monica College
- [Athen] Legal reference on Web Accessibility
Laura Carlson
- [Athen] for all you math accessibility guru’s
Jiatyan Chen
- [Athen] Web Content Management Systems
Jiatyan Chen
- [Athen] recommendations accessible interactive
e-learning/training creation tools?
Jiatyan Chen
- [Athen] Cielo24
Jiatyan Chen
- [Athen] Scanner Hardware -- slight twist: what model for a
blind student?
Dan Comden
- [Athen] Advanced features in Word EASI webinar series
Karlen Communications
- [Athen] PowerPoint Question
Karlen Communications
- [Athen] looking for accessible IT lists
Prof Norm Coombs
- [Athen] Arabic Textbook
Jeffrey Dell
- [Athen] Fusers or Tactile Graphic Machines
Jeffrey Dell
- [Athen] Fusers or Tactile Graphic Machines
Jeffrey Dell
- [Athen] Remote CART Microphones
Jeffrey Dell
- [Athen] FW: Management Employment Opportunity
Gaeir Dietrich
- [Athen] FW: Wine Country DSPS Job Opportunity
Gaeir Dietrich
- [Athen] FW: FT faculty position to teach AT at Santa Monica College
Gaeir Dietrich
- [Athen] DAISY format and players
Gaeir Dietrich
- [Athen] Barnes and Noble and Accessible Information Management
Dimac, Marcie
- [Athen] color contrast vs. color difference
N. Dogbo
- [Athen] ATHEN Annual Meeting
E.A. Draffan
- [Athen] DAISY format and players
John Elmer
- [Athen] Scanner Hardware -- slight twist: what model for a
blind student?
Nettie Fischer
- [Athen] Barnes and Noble and Accessible Information Management
Shawn Foster
- [Athen] for all you math accessibility guru’s
- [Athen] the math accessibility guru's have spoken
- [Athen] the math accessibility guru's have spoken
- [Athen] teaching blind student citation styles
- [Athen] [ETEXTS] Please Complete This Brief eText Survey by
Friday, October 23
Gunderson, Jon R
- [Athen] the math accessibility guru's have spoken
Gunderson, Jon R
- [Athen] University of Toledo Job Posting
Hall, Enjie
- [Athen] Works Card Program Management (Bank of America Merrill
Lynch ) for Low Vision User
Hall, Enjie
- [Athen] Scanner Hardware -- slight twist: what model for a
blind student?
Wink Harner
- [Athen] Kurzweil install error message 1722
Wink Harner
- [Athen] Online Dragon training
Wink Harner
- [Athen] Kurzweil install error message 1722
Wink Harner
- [Athen] Reminder: Membership Voting Notice - Board Elections
Wink Harner
- [Athen] Barnes and Noble and Accessible Information Management
Wink Harner
- [Athen] Barnes and Noble and Accessible Information
Wink Harner
- [Athen] Second to the last reminder
Wink Harner
- [Athen] DAISY format and players
Ganga Harrison
- [Athen] athen-list Digest, Vol 117, Issue 18
Ganga Harrison
- [Athen] PDF alt Text in browser
Teresa Haven
- [Athen] Barnes and Noble and Accessible Information
Teresa Haven
- [Athen] Scanner Hardware -- slight twist: what model for a
blind student?
Doug Hayman
- [Athen] use of word processor for students testing
Brad Held
- [Athen] Screen Mirroring for VI students
Brad Held
- [Athen] Fusers or Tactile Graphic Machines
Brad Held
- [Athen] DAISY format and players
Brad Held
- [Athen] the math accessibility guru's have spoken
Joshua Hori
- [Athen] the math accessibility guru's have spoken
Joshua Hori
- [Athen] Kurzweil install error message 1722
Houston, Carol S
- [Athen] Accessibility Related Events During EDUCAUSE Annual
Conference Hosted by Indiana University
Humbert, Joe
- [Athen] Reminder: Membership Voting Notice - Board Elections
Hunziker, Dawn A - (hunziker)
- [Athen] Cielo24
Hunziker, Dawn A - (hunziker)
- [Athen] FW: SSB in the News
Sam Joehl
- [Athen] Becoming Bulletproof
Samantha Johns
- [Athen] Web Accessibility MOOC for Online Educators (#WAMOE)
Samantha Johns
- [Athen] Legal reference on Web Accessibility
Samantha Johns
- [Athen] Powerpoint Question
Samantha Johns
- [Athen] Powerpoint Question
Samantha Johns
- [Athen] for all you math accessibility guru’s
Sean Keegan
- [Athen] ATHEN Annual Meeting
Sean Keegan
- [Athen] Anyone have electronic files for...
Susan Kelmer
- [Athen] Screen Mirroring for VI students
Adam Kosakowski
- [Athen] color contrast vs. color difference
Howard Kramer
- [Athen] google gmail, google drive accessibility
Howard Kramer
- [Athen] google gmail, google drive accessibility
Howard Kramer
- [Athen] google gmail, google drive accessibility
Howard Kramer
- [Athen] AHG 2015 Virtual Conference: Last day for early bird
Howard Kramer
- [Athen] Selecting and managing Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)
Nazely Kurkjian
- [Athen] use of word processor for students testing
LaBella, Pam
- [Athen] athen-list Digest, Vol 117, Issue 1
Lucio, Emily Singer
- [Athen] google gmail, google drive accessibility
Tonu Mikk
- [Athen] color contrast vs. color difference
Mark C. Mintz
- [Athen] Music notation software for blind student
Corazon Napolis
- [Athen] PDF alt Text in browser
Page, Aaron
- [Athen] recommendations accessible interactive e-learning/training
creation tools?
Petri, Kenneth
- [Athen] recommendations accessible interactive
e-learning/training creation tools?
Petri, Kenneth
- [Athen] DAISY options
Linda Petty
- [Athen] DAISY format and players
Joseph Polizzotto
- [Athen] use of word processor for students testing
Poore-Pariseau, Cindy
- [Athen] Web Content Management Systems
Prickett, Elizabeth
- [Athen] looking for science image repository with alt tags
Reilly, Lisa
- [Athen] Scanner Hardware -- slight twist: what model for a
blind student?
- [Athen] [ETEXTS] Please Complete This Brief eText Survey by
Friday, October 23
- [Athen] [ETEXTS] Please Complete This Brief eText Survey by
Friday, October 23
- [Athen] [ETEXTS] Please Complete This Brief eText Survey by
Friday, October 23
- [Athen] Google scanning project
- [Athen] Legal reference on Web Accessibility
- [Athen] Legal reference on Web Accessibility
- [Athen] Question about ZoomText and Canvas New User Interface
Rovner, Amy
- [Athen] Barnes and Noble and Accessible Information Management
Heidi Scher
- [Athen] Scanner Hardware -- slight twist: what model for a blind
Alexa Schriempf
- [Athen] Experience or comparison of accessible copier models and
Todd Schwanke
- [Athen] Screen Mirroring for VI students
Todd Schwanke
- [Athen] Remote CART Microphones
Todd Schwanke
- [Athen] Remote CART Microphones
Todd Schwanke
- [Athen] PDF alt Text in browser
Joseph Sherman
- [Athen] document management products accessibility feedback
Kimberley Smith
- [Athen] Barnes and Noble and Accessible Information
Kimberley Smith
- [Athen] Independence Science?
Russell Solowoniuk
- [Athen] google gmail, google drive accessibility
Russell Solowoniuk
- [Athen] Web Accessibility MOOC for Online Educators (#WAMOE)
Karen Sorensen
- [Athen] google gmail, google drive accessibility - larger question
Karen Sorensen
- [Athen] Scanner Hardware -- slight twist: what model for a
blind student?
Ron Stewart
- [Athen] Web Content Management Systems
Thompson, Rachel
- [Athen] Looking Glass?
Thompson, Rachel
- [Athen] Twitter Chat on Accessibility in Computing
Terrill Thompson
- [Athen] For your information
Laurie Vasquez
- [Athen] Works Card Program Management (Bank of America Merrill
Lynch ) for Low Vision User
Yurkovich, Cynthia Ann
- [Athen] Membership Voting Notice - Board Elections
- [Athen] Music notation software for blind student
steve.noble at louisville.edu
Last message date:
Fri Oct 30 10:22:43 PDT 2015
Archived on: Mon Jan 13 11:32:39 PDT 2025
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).